Chapter 16

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"Hi," I say sheepishly.

She walks up to me and drags me by my arm to my room.

"Talk, right now," she says with a grin.

"Um, I don't know. We just did shots, and we were joking with each other and then yeah." I cringed.

"Why? What?" She asks excitedly.

"Well, I think he was a little tipsy, but he was trying to prove something to me, and we ended up like that." I shrug blushing.

"Do you like him?" She asks, quirking a brow.

"No! Of course not," I exclaim, she gives me a look. "Well, I don't know. Maybe?"

I am still confused with my feelings.

"I can't like him. Nick would kill me, or Noah. I can't do that to them," I speak seriously, but for some reason it feels like a lie.

"Oh girl, you're on your own for this mess," she teases.

"I know, I feel bad too because of Bennett being here. What if he walked in and not you?" I say worriedly.

"Yeah, he's a big boy though. Don't worry about that," she assures.

"Thank you," I smile softly.

"On the other hand, Noah likes you," she deadpans.

"What? No, he doesn't, he was just saying how I was lucky he was there and messed with my head a little while being his cocky self. We are just friends and have been for a while," I ramble, not making much sense to myself.

"Whatever you say. But friends don't flirt with each other every second they get," she was cut off by the door opening.

"Unless you're me, wassup sexy babes?" Cassie prods with the rest of the girls behind her.

Willow and I laughed then proceeded to fill them in. We finally all left my room and went back to doing our own things. I remain inside the house preparing a few snacks before I go outside. Since I barely played more than a few games earlier, it's my time to shine.

"You guys were talking about me for a while," Noah teases, popping up next to me.

"What makes you say we were talking about you?" I ask with furrowed brows.

He gives me a look, a very cute one at that.

"Only for a little bit since they thought- they read the situation wrong. Then we were talking about other random stuff," I excuse.

"Hm," he hums.

I nod and grab my board with snacks and take it outside to set in on the table.

I spent the time until dark playing games and watching the drinks disappear. Once I felt a slight buzz I stopped. I played corn hole against Noah and got super lucky and won the first round. We were doing best two out of three.

"Yes! Suck it." I clapped my hands and stuck my tongue out at him.

He smiled looking down and shaking his head. "I can still win, you know?"

"But you won't," I grin.

After a few more throws he won the second round.

"I'm sorry, who's winning?" He teases with the cutest smile ever.

"You haven't won yet." I laugh.

We threw a few more bean bags and in his last one that was about to go in I used my foot to push it away.

"Yay! I won!" I throw my hands up and high five the girls.

"No, you didn't! You cheated," he yells while laughing.

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