Chapter 1- holiday!

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Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof,

"Stop Murphy you will wake every one up" I said sleepily "You will wake mum up which means she will tell me to start getting ready for school" I add. I hate school and waking up for school because you have to get up so early.

Wait a minute

OH MY GOD I just remembered, I am going on a holiday to Hawaii today! How could I forget! I am so stupid. I quickly get out of bed and put my slippers on and run down stairs into the kitchen. I see mum packing last minute things for the trip. "Hurry up and get dressed or we will be late!" She says. I run up stairs and get dressed then bring my suit case down stairs. We quickly had breakfast ( which I rushed because I was so excited ) and got I the car "Everyone ready" dad says and everyone in the car yells YES "Then off we go" we drive out of the drive way and out of our street

Everyone in my class will be at school today and I am going on a holiday I think to myself.

I am so excited!

Half way there my sister Joy said she felt sick and that she was going to vomit. Oh no she always get travel sickness
"blurr" Joy vomited and it reeks yuck!

We finally get to the airport after all the traffic and travel sickness. We park and drag our suit cases along the ground. The wheels made an annoying sound. My mum was still holding the bag of Vomit "Does any see a bin so I can put this in" mum said while holding up the bag. I felt like vomiting from the vomit.

After a while mum found a bin and we were waiting in line for the customs. It took forever, turns out everyone decided to go to Hawaii. A person in front of us farted and we were trying not to laugh! Joy and I were about to burst with laughter.

We are now out of customs and are walking around the airport. We decided to get a milkshake. I chose Chocolate. We they finished making the milkshakes we grabbed them and walked away. I start to drink mine but it tastes funny. I think it tastes like strawberry not chocolate. I tell mum and dad but they didn't care so I had to drink it. This can't be good because once something goes wrong in this family everything goes wrong.

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