Maybe we shouldn't..

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Nathanial sat beside his son, looking over the sketchy website that was for this dream paradise. The site itself looked trust worthy, but, the wording of the ads and information looked... off. He couldn't pinpoint what was off but something about the way it was layed out and phrased just seemed like a scam.

Leviathan pointed at the top right corner of the bright screen, “Look it has reviews too” He chimed in excitement, wanting this to be real. The boy hadn't gone on vacation in a few years and he was DYING to go out again. Even if they only went for a day or two, he needed to go out and see the world. See something new and thrilling.

“Oh it does? That's interesting for a site like this to have reviews like that” The father said, an eyebrow cocking up in confusion as he moved the mouse and clicked on the comment icon.

His gaze shifted back and forth reading over every comment carefully. Even reading between the lines if there was any to read between. He sat back in the seat, narrowing his eyes in a puzzled manner. “These reviews.. they all sound fake. Like these people were paid to write this stuff” Nathanial said with a heavy sigh. “Look, Lev, if you can find a different site that has reviews that aren't pa-”

“I have other sites father” Leviathan said as he quickly pulled up a more trustable website and let his father look over the reviews and pictures available. The site was way more reliable but it still seemed... surreal. Even the price of the island was RIDICULOUS! Tickets were 230 person, 480 per night and that's not including anything bought on the island or any premium passes to any of the point of interests this resort offered. It was expensive but Nathanial knew he could afford it easily with his new job and income level. But, everything just seemed off. The once hopeful father was now as skeptical as his wife.

But maybe it was worth a shot? Sometimes the best places are in the sketchiest of locations. Just like their daughters favourite candy shop! It had the oddest flavours that melted perfectly on your tongue. But it was located in one of the worst neighbourhoods in the area. The town itself had one of the highest crime rates possible. Not safe. But once a month the parents took their daughter to the top and got her a small bag of candy she'd pick herself.

After a long few hours of looking over different sites and reviews, Nathanial got up without a word and walked out to find his wife. His wife stood in the kitchen, making the family a nice big dinner with a resting bitch face resting over her darkened features. The night sky setting in and casting a deep shadow over her body as it swiftly but quietly moved through the kitchen. Only the pitter patter of socks against the tile floor was heard. Nathanial leaned his shoulder against the door frame, watching his beautiful wife before clearing his throat. “Ahem, my little Ivy? Do you need help my dear?” He'd ask with a gentle tone. Lilith looked over and shook her head “No, but we should discuss this trip after dinner” She said to which he agreed.

3 hours later

After dinner was done and the kids were in bed, Nathanial and Lilith sat in their bed. Lilian had her laptop out, trying to find anything on this place that would give them more of a reason not to go. But, she couldn't find anything. And neither could her husband who usually super naive to anything. “My little Ivy.. I am starting to get a little worried about this trip. Nothing is lining up and these reviews just don't look right, like it's all staged and paid people giving good reviews.” He said, very skeptical. His wife agreed, giving a gentle nod before speaking gently, “I told you it wasn't really a good idea. Lev really needs to do his research more I get he's excited and all but this just doesn't seem right.” She said, a hint of worry behind her words.

“I know I know. After our last trip you have every right to be skeptical of this but maybe it really is just a nice place? I think we should try it and then we'll know for next time ok?”

“Yea.. yea ok.. We can do that” Lilith sighed softly, rubbing her hands down her face before snuggling into her husband.

Nathanial understood his wife's worry but he knew they both needed to get past their issues. His thin but toned arms wrapped around his thicker partner to hold her close to his chest.

There it was. A decision. They would go on this trip to test the waters, see how it is. And if they didn't like it then they wouldn't go back to that place again. Deep down both of them hoped that they wouldn't regret this. Maybe they were just being being paranoid? Maybe they had a good reason to be skeptical? Who knows..

A/N: I know I mentioned last chapter I would start trying to update weekly, however life hit like a truck. But! Hopefully now I can start updating by Fridays! Feel free to leave any comments on any suggestions or thoughts you had!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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