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My mom was taken away too soon, and no one speaks of the tragedy. I'm overwhelmed and alone, not knowing how to live and become someone new without her. My heart has fractured beyond repair, and a piece of me is lost forever. An irredeemable void has been left in my life; I will always be incomplete without my other half. I constantly wonder why this happened to me and if this is just the start of my mother's absence.

Feeling broken, I ask myself why this tragic and sudden loss had to happen. Wondering whether it's part of my story, I long to have my mother who could have taught me so much if she'd only been here. I wonder who can fill her shoes, especially during times of emotional distress. Afraid of managing without her advice and support during breakups, I wonder who will guide me in her absence - who will teach me how to put on makeup or become my best friend - all experiences I've missed out on?

Perhaps, with time, I will discover the truth about what happened to my mother. And perhaps someone will inform me without inflicting further pain, despair, or silence. I desperately need to know and must know, because maybe then, my grief will abate, and I can be whole once more.

Losing her I lost a part of me to so I listen to this song just for a verse so I could have just 7 more minutes , 7 more seconds

" If I had seven minutes in Heaven I'd spend them all with you

When it's last call, I'll hug you And I'll tell you, "I love you" But I won't say goodbye Right now, I got to leave But the next round's on me And I know it won't be the last time

If I had seven minutes in Heaven Then I know just what we'll do

Oh, we'll take a walk down those golden streets And find that same old corner booth

But I might take a few seconds to ask God some questions

I didn't last time I was through If I had seven minutes in Heaven "

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