Chapter 13

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I finally made it! I am in a world where I can still watch over Emery, and though I miss them dearly, I am happy. I took countless steps down a never-ending hallway, always believing there was no end. But when I received Emery's poem and sent Angela a giraffe and Emery, a cat, the hallway lit up. What if all this time, I needed to let go and trust that they were okay? They will manage without me, and though they will grieve and miss me, time will heal their pain. I didn't want to leave them, but my time had come. And while I may not have been ready, God knew I was. This is my new home, where everyone is a king or queen, and we rule together. The castle is filled with peaceful colors, the sounds of nature, and birds singing.

My new home is a beautiful place where live music and bands play every day and cats roam free. Here, animals that have passed away are remembered.I love animals, and that's why I take great care of them. Emery recently lost her job facility cat, and even though it has passed away, I make sure to give it all the love and care it deserves for eternity. Angela has also lost some of her beloved animals, but I ensure that they are well taken care of by providing them with never-ending food and showering them with the love and attention they need. You can trust me with your animals, as I promise to keep them safe and happy.

I have found my passion and I will spend my life doing what I love. Although I can't guarantee anything, I am happy with where I am. My thoughts often wander to my two favorite people and sometimes my mind drifts to Manny and how he is doing since Emery grew up. I hope he is doing well in his old age. I am grateful to be healthy and happy now that my sickness is gone. It's like I am a completely new person and I am thankful to be whole again.

I am not sure if it will work in a peaceful world, but I have decided to give it one last try and send Emery a final letter. Additionally, I want to thank Angela for taking care of my girl. I don't know where she would be without her, so I just want to express my gratitude.

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