here, with you (morning light)

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the sunlight gleams through the slightly open blinds in thin, harsh yellow strips, being a stark contrast to the soft, warm dawn auburn seungkwan wakes up to his side of the room bathed in.

he yawns while rubbing the sleep away from his eyes and stretches a little, sighing softly in pleasure after his right shoulder gives a well needed 'pop'.

he can feel the lines the pillow left on his face, and he's sure his hair is a mess, but he couldn't care less once he turns around.

all seungkwan sees at first is a big mound of covers, but a head of golden brown hair quickly makes itself known as the blanket slips off, revealing the man seungkwan said yes to just a week ago.

he must've turned around because of the sunlight hitting him; seungkwan can still feel the warmth it gave when he reaches out to caress the taller's cheek, running a thumb over the mole near his jaw and smiling when he leaned into the touch.

seungkwan keeps his hand there, on the delicate, bronzed skin, watching as the slowly rising sun sets on his ring, giving the silver and diamond a special glimmer. his heart thrums at the sight, and it thrums even more when his fiancé takes his hand and places a kiss on the ring, then another on his knuckle.


"morning, gyu." they both say, the lack of talking evident in the low, almost raspy voice they speak in.

seungkwan beams, and from mingyu's point of view, this is like waking up to an angel.

seungkwan's coffee-brown hair is mussed, his pajamas are all wrinkled up, and the light is bright enough to highlight his soft, dewy skin still pink in areas from sleep marks, the sun catching the high points of his cheekbones.

he could wake up to this forever.

"did you sleep well?" mingyu asks after a beat, and seungkwan looks down, playing with his ring for a few seconds before answering. "yeah, i did," he whispers, continuing and poorly hiding the grin targeted at the band on his finger. "did you?" mingyu hums and nods, directing his vision to where the dark-brunet is looking.

" said yes." the taller utters.

it never feels real; the realization that this isn't a dream he never wants to wake up from always comes when he opens his eyes in the morning and sees the ring is there on seungkwan's hand, not tucked away in a velvet box at the back of the closet like it was for three years.

"i did," seungkwan says again, "and soon, i'll do."

mingyu chuckles. "that was bad." he laughs out, pulling back the covers and failing to get up before the slap on his back leaves a small sting and a tingly feeling in his heart.

"like your jokes are any better." mingyu feigns annoyance with an eye roll. "yeah, yeah," putting on a shirt, he continues, "i'm making breakfast, gyeran mari."

seungkwan's stomach growls at the thought. "...can i help?"

mingyu laughs again, "sure." he said, taking the shorter's hand and leading him out of the room.

here, with you (morning light)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt