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                FOR THE PAST few days, like clockwork, Lando Norris would stroll into Café Mon Coco at exactly 14:47. There was something about the precision of his timing that made Ruth Monroe's heart flutter. As soon as he stepped through the door, he would order his usual drink and take a seat at the counter, where Ruth was always stationed, working diligently.

But Lando had a mischievous side. He loved to tease and flirt, knowing exactly how to distract Ruth from her tasks. He would crack jokes, make funny faces, and do anything to elicit a laugh from her.

And it worked.

Ruth found herself coming out of her shell more and more each day. Lando's playful banter and infectious laughter helped her shed her introverted demeanor, bringing a new vibrancy to her interactions with others. She felt alive, like a budding flower finally finding the sunlight.

Today was an especially joyful day at Café Mon Coco. Layla Monroe, Ruth's older sister, had made a surprise visit from London, bringing along her daughter Mabel. It had been far too long since they had seen each other, and Ruth was overjoyed to have them by her side.

The morning sun filtered through the windows of Café Mon Coco, casting a cold, golden glow on the vintage decor and the cozy seating. Ruth Monroe hummed softly as she wiped down the counter, preparing for another day of serving delicious pastries and piping hot coffee.

Just as the clock struck eleven, the sound of the café door swinging open filled the air. Ruth's heart skipped a beat as she glanced up and caught sight of her older sister, Layla Monroe, entering with her daughter, Mabel, in tow.

"LAYLA!" Ruth exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. She rushed towards her sister and enveloped her in a tight hug.

"Ruthie!" Layla laughed, hugging her sister back just as tightly. "I've missed you so much!"

Ruth's eyes sparkled with joy as she looked down at Mabel, who had grown so much since they last saw each other. The little girl giggled, her chubby cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Mabel, my sweet girl!" Ruth swooped down to scoop her up into her arms. "You're even more beautiful every time I see you."

Mabel grinned, her dimples playing peek-a-boo on her rosy cheeks. "Auntie Ruthie, I missed you too!"

As Ruth and Layla settled at one of the café's cozy tables, Alana, Ruth's roommate and friend, and Jude, the entertaining café worker and musician, approached them with mischievous smiles on their faces.

"So Ruth, have you told Lays about your new famous friend?" Alana smirked, leaning against the counter.

Layla raised an eyebrow as Ruth blushed, feeling a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. "Oh, come on, Ruthie! You can't keep secrets from me."

Ruth playfully rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright! His name is Lando Norris, and we've become friends. That's all."

Jude chuckled, his Irish accent dancing in the air. "Friends, huh? Well, we're waiting for the day when you tell us something more."

Ruth's cheeks turned even redder, and she swatted Jude's arm lightly. "Jude, behave! Let's focus on Layla and Mabel's visit."

Layla, ever the joker, leaned closer with a sly grin. "So... any chance this Lando guy will be dropping by Café Mon Coco anytime soon?"

Ruth's eyes widened, and she shook her head. "Oh no, Layla! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're taking things slow."

Jude scoffs at Ruth's reply, "Oh please," he said, "the boy comes in at the same random time every day for the last few days just to sit and flirt with our Ruthie here," Layla raises her eyebrows, "So yes Lays, you'll probably meet him." He winks.

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