daybreak joshxeli

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So first the bomb didn't just leave all the kids the same some did stay the same but most we're given powers or genetic mutation

And it gives them weird habits

Josh-has like a Spidey-Sens but it is more of a I need to check on this kind of thing so he is constantly paranoid

Eli-has large K-9's (you can actually kinda see that he has sharp k9s in the show) but he bites people he likes so Josh has bite marks all over him

Eli is grumpy on the outside about being short but on the end side he loves it and Josh knows it

It might be weird and corney but they do a lot of classic couple things like

Eli goes to sleep in one of Joshs shirts

If Eli stays up to long Josh will go up to him pick him up (with easy because its, the apocalypse nobody is eating right) like a child and has him rest his head on his shoulder to bring him to bead

Josh is big spoon Eli is little spoon ex.

There relationship started shortly after episode 10

Eli was alive but totally out for like three weeks So Josh had time to think about how he wasn't upset about Sam and why he was scared for Eli

When Eli did wake up the first thing Josh did was confess and Eli was shocked and thought wesley said something

But form that day on they were always right beside eachother

So here are some clingy Eli headcanons

He always is wearing one of Joshs jackets

He clings to Joshs arm and will nuzzle his head in to his arm or side

He likes to have his legs crossed over Josh's

(Josh will grab his legs all the time (hes a lot more comfortable and confident with their relationship then he was with Sam if you couldn't tell)

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