Chapter 1

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On a rainy, Sunday afternoon Alice walks to her city apartment in Inkopilis square, after a long summer holiday in the Splatlands. 

" Home sweet home!" She remarked, chucking her bag on the floor. 

"Were the Splatlands nice?" Commented Britanny, eating her lunch. "I've been practising my Squidish." 

"Of course!" boomed Aly.

"Seriously?" Puzzled Brit. "I heard it is quite hot and dingy there."

"It is, but I've been to worse places." She said walking to the kitchen. "Like The Middle Ink, Freshala and Splanna."

"Anyways whatchu you got cooking" She smiled

"I've got some kel-" Brit couldn't finish her sentence." 

"Ima go to the krust bucket. " Alice put on some trainers and walked off. 

She grabbed some food tickets and waltzed down to the krust bucket. She glanced at Off the hooks studio.

"Why are they so popular?" Aly wondered.

She thought about it, but soon she was there,  and passed over a food ticket

 "One shwaffle coming right up!" Krusty shawn  laughed.

"Thanks" Alice gobbled down her shwaffle, when she noticed something on the floor. She crouched down,It was a hardrive with "order" scribbled on it. Alice quickly snatched it and stuffed it in her pocket before anyone could see it. Slowly she walked back to her apartment, kicked off her shoes and went to her bedroom. She walked over and turned off her lights and took a nap. 

"Alice wake up." Brit shouted.

"Wait, what time is it ?!" Alice was half-asleep, her eyes batting.

"You need to go to coding class." Brit flatly spoke. "It is half 10."

"What about you?" She added.

"Fudge!" Brit burst out.

They both awkwardly ran off, Brit to uni, Alice to coding class. After getting back they made kelp stew and fried shrimp for lunch, before Alice had to go to football practice.   

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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