Their Favourite Type Of Soda

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Adam: Coke (He likes the classic stuff, good choice tho) 

Charlie: Pepsi (I feel like he would like this better. I AM SORRY BUT TO ME PEPSI AND COKE TASTE THE SAME)

Luis: Idk why I feel like he would definitely be a Sprite guy

Guy: Orange crush 

Jesse: 7 Up

Dean: Root beer (Idk why or how it just fits him🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️) 

Fulton: Mountain Dew 

Dwayne: Ginger ale

Kenny: Cream soda (idfk 😭😭👍)

Goldberg: I feel like he would also be a Coke guy

Russ: I think he would also enjoy sprite 

Averman: He is definitely a Dr. Pepper kinda guy

Connie: I think she would enjoy 7 up the most

Julie: Probably enjoy Pepsi too 

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