Dancing Like We're Made Of Starlight

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"Therese, why don't you play some music?"

Her immensely deep and attractive voice coming from the living room greets my soul in the kitchen as soon as I hear it. I love the sound of it. It is Saturday, we both have nothing to do but enjoy ourselves. I was about to prepare a cake for tomorrow, as Rindy will come to visit Carol. However, the thought of spending more time with my person always cancels any possible plans I have in mind and makes my body move towards her. When I get out of the kitchen I see her sitting on the sofa, so effortlessly stunning.

"What would you like to listen to?", I happily ask her.

"Surprise me"

If only she knew that my every-day goal is to surprise her.

I immediately think about the song I played on the piano of her old house that first time I visited her. Perhaps it brings her nice memories, just like it happens to me.

I quickly grab the vinyl found in the cabinet above the fireplace which would play "Easy Living" for us. I remember how nervous I was to play it in front of Carol. Trying to impress her, to seem calm when she touched my shoulders when internally I was screaming. I take the vinyl out and place it in the phonograph right next to the sofa. The first chords of the song start playing and I can see the woman I love smiling, like the memories going through her mind are the exact same as mine. She stands up and without thinking about it, grabs my hand, intertwining her fingers. Her skin is so soft that I wish my hand was stuck to hers. With a warming confidence, we both start pronouncing the same words as Billie Holiday. I hope Carol doesn't mind my terrible singing, that could barely be heard compared to hers, which invaded every single corner of the room. I can't help but laugh in a shily way.

"You are so pretty", I whisper.

"You're laughing at me, Miss Belivet?" she jokingly said. I can't describe how much I love when she does that. It makes me know how comfortable she is with me. I can see a side of her that is rarely seen from her in public. This moment feels so private, so intimate, without even having to go to bed.

"I could never with someone looking so fine like you"

Right now that we are singing the lyrics to such a special song, I feel like I can't be more in love with her. Like my heart is about to suddenly explode from all the feelings I've been having all this time. And now Im not even trying to hide them. No, how could I when I finally learned how to fearlessly feel without trying to avoid it?

How could anyone pretend not to be in love with someone like Carol? Probably because nobody can be like her. No other eyes can tell you a thousand fairy tales with happy endings without words.

I feel Carol's hands slipping around my waist, and for once in my life I feel like I'm not alone. No, not anymore. We gently move, following the rhythm of the song and without missing a beat. Something strange for me, if you ask: I've never been good at dancing. I've never really liked it, perhaps because I thought I look pretty dumb doing it. I remember Richard would always pursue me to dance with him, and I had to say yes every time so as not to lose him. He would laugh about the way I hardly moved, which discouraged me from continuing. However, with the feeling of Carols skin on me, I want to dance like I never did before. I want to live with the feeling of her touch.

My heart had never skipped so many avenues at the same time. It had never beaten so passionately, with so much will to see what the future awaits it. I feel the urge to kiss her lips until the morning comes or even until the sun has no more light to provide. I slowly turn around, and now her eyes are looking at mine. Her both hands are still on my waist, giving me infinite comfort, while my arms are wrapped around her neck. Her perfume; that is the fragrance I want to wake up every single day with. I want to live with it for the rest of my life. And when I feel like I'm about to melt, I lean forwards and press my lips against hers, now running my fingers through her soft, blonde hair. She gently grabs my face and honestly, I'm head over heels. I hope she lets me love her forevermore, because nothing has ever felt so right for me.

Yes, I've found real love. The realest love one could ever find.

A couple of minutes, which felt like seconds for me, have passed, and when we give kissing a break, I see a tear run through her face.

"Carol, are you okay?"

And right when I pronounced those few words, I saw the prettiest landscape anyone could ever admire. Her eyes, so tenderly looking at me, immediately answered my question, letting me know it was a pretty stupid one.

"I have never been better in my life. Thank you my love, my angel flung out of space. Thank you for loving me the way you do".

Now I am the one with tears running through her face. I feel so vulnerable, like my soul is in a crystal box ready for anyone to break it with one single touch. When this happens, I usually hide somewhere: I hate when people see me crying. It makes me completely defenceless, like I don't have any sword to defend myself. But with Carol, I can let myself feel. I don't have to pretend, and neither does she. We just show exactly who we are to the other. Naked, without a mask to say we are something we both know we aren't.

"Darling, now you're the one that's crying", says Carol with a smirk on her face.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just-"

And when I'm about to justify my tears, she swiftly interrupts me with a long, passionate kiss, showing me there were no apologies needed. The song keeps on playing, but I can't care less: I have something, or someone, more important to care about, and that is my girl. My girl, it sounds so nice.

Our bodies are not in the living room anymore; we slowly moved towards our bedroom while our lips were dancing with each other. I must say it is a bit hard to walk properly with my eyes closed and being careful not to interrupt such passion. In spite of this, I want to stay in the moment for my whole life. When we reach our destiny, Carol drives my temple to our desk, on which I sit while she remains standing. I take a moment to admire her beauty, and like every time I do that, she takes my breath away.

"You know you are the most beautiful woman on Earth, right?"

A cute smile is drawn on her lips, which fills me with more desire to express my love towards her in every possible way. We kiss again, and again, and again, until she grabs me from my thighs and carries me to our bed. She lays myself down with her facing me, and carefully she lays by my right side, as always. Carol then places a lock of my brunette hair behind my ear and continues looking at me nonstop. Her eyes seem to be stuck to mine from afar. As I hate being so far away from her (although we are in the same bed and facing each other), I pull her towards my body, making sure the distance between us is almost nonexistent, and place my hand on her cheek, cuddling her with a smile like a kid at his birthday party. How could someone be so perfect?

We spent the rest of the night giving each other love: with words and with actions, taking care of each other and ensuring we both were comfortable. I memorised everything she liked me to do, and everytime her eyes showed me I was doing the right thing. Nights like these are the ones which make me feel the most alive. Like I'm the luckiest girl in this world and universe. Once again, we find ourselves twisted in bedsheets, knowing that no one can take away the happiness we feel. Once again, we had a lovely time. But being honest, no time could feel wasted with her presence. No hour, minute or second of my life could be dull with Carol: my one and only, my lifeline.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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