Chapter 8

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Sure, running off wasn't the best idea Peter had. But he was pissed, at Tony, at the world, everything. He just wanted to be alone, but every hallway was filled. How many people were at this event? Stumbling onto a balcony, Peter breathed in the evening breeze, hanging his head over the ledge. This was a mess, everything would be fine if Norman just keeled over. His life wouldn't be so fucked up then.

Speaking of the devil, Norman walked through the archway below. He was alone, a cigar between his lips. Peter's hands trembled as he stared at the man. The garden was empty, all except for the wildlife that hid beneath the bushes. Was that why Tony brought him here, to kill Osborn?

Peter raked his finger across the parapet, his eyes never leaving Norman. The man now sat on the bench that lined the walkway, scrolling through his phone. His mind wandered through the various ways he could end a life. It wasn't like him, he never wanted to hurt anyone. But knowing that Norman had the power to hurt someone in the ways he hurt him, it convinced Peter. Norman Osborn needed to die. And Peter was going to be the one to do it.


After wandering around, the halls began to blur together. He tried asking around in an attempt to find Peter quicker, but the building was so big, and no one had seen Peter, or cared to look. Defeated, Tony steps outside, searching his pockets for the flip phone. Who put this many pockets on a suit anyways? When Tony finally found the phone, he called the only number in it, Steve.

"Have you found the kid?" He asked, leaning against the ivy ridden wall.

"I've searched the entire second floor, he isn't here." Biting his lip, Tony walked along the path. Keeping an eye out for Peter. Though he heard the boy yell before he saw him. The yell was followed by a small thud, just around the corner of the tall hedges. Tony expected the worst. His mind raced through every scenario possible, willing him to move faster. Though as he rounded the corner the hedges' leaves raking his suit, he stopped.

"Peter?" He called, seeing as the boy was standing, seemingly alright. Though the boy looked up at him with crazed eyes, before flicking back down. Tony reluctantly followed his gaze, seeing Norman Osborn with his neck stuck under Peter's shoe.

***Moments earlier***

Luckily, by the time Peter got to the garden, Norman was still sitting on the bench, tapping his cigar against the armrest. Peter knew he was silent, as he could barely hear the sound of his feet lightly treading over the grass. He just needed to punch Norman as hard as he could. Then...Well, Peter wasn't sure what he'd do next.

No backing out now. Peter fixed his stance, before pulling his arm back. Involuntary, Peter closed his eyes, hearing the thud of his fist hitting Norman's head. The man let out a yell as he inelegantly fell to his side.

"Shit," Peter mumbled, pushing Norman to the ground. The man tried to back away, not fully recognizing his attacker, but Peter settled his foot atop of Norman's neck. It was a warning, as Peter hadn't applied enough pressure to cut off his airway.

"Peter?" Tony's rough voice called. Of course. Well, no backing out now. Peter panted heavily, glancing over at Tony, before quickly returning his attention back to Norman, as the man tried to inch away. He pushed his foot further into the man's throat. He'd be lying if he said he didn't relish in the small groan Norman let out.

He was ashamed. No one was supposed to know. They weren't supposed to know Peter was corrupted, dirty. His eyes prickled as his cheeks grew hot.

"Peter, I know you're scared and angry. But this isn't you bud, I know it's not." Peter shook his head, his hands clenching around the bottom of his coat.

"You don't know anything!" he snapped, tears flowing freely now, "I know, and I'm sorry, but killing him won't fix anything." Tony inched closer toward Peter, his arm outstretched as if he were trying to placate a stray animal.

"He won't hurt anyone. I can't let him hurt anyone." Peter tried to back away, but couldn't lift his foot from Norman's neck.

Tony shook his head, "That's not on you kid. That's not your responsibility. It's mine." Tony looked over his shoulder, gesturing for Steve to fall back for a moment. He wasn't sure how Peter would react to the others yet.

"I can't just let him go." Peter said, his eyes pleading with Tony.

"You won't, I'm going to have Steve handcuff him, is that alright?" Peter nodded, watching as Tony gestured to someone, assumedly Steve before holding his hand out to Peter.

Reluctantly, Peter released his foot, watching as Norman lifted his hands to his throat. Steve moved in seconds later, flipping Norman onto his stomach and cuffing his hands behind him. Peter backed away, giving the captain some room.

Norman's throat was bruised, purples and green painted across his jugular. Had Peter really done that? Peter turned away before his guilt could consume him. Tony was inches away from him, his hand outstretched. He was unsure if the kid even wanted to be anywhere near him at the moment. Peter wasn't sure himself, either.

The two watched as Steve lugged Norman up, the man looked dazed, with his gel-ridden hair over his face, "What's going to happen to him?" Peter asked, looking up to Steve, who pressed on his comm.

"I've just contacted shield, they'll be here soon to take him."

"For good?" Peter asked.

"For good." Tony said from behind the boy. The three stood in silence until the telltale sign of thrusters alerted them to Shield's presence, "You both should go, I can handle this." Steve said, jerking Norman toward the Z1, where two agents stood at the entrance.


"You okay?" Tony asked as the two settled into the back of Tony's limo. Peter stayed silent for a moment. He could lie, but what good has lying brought them in the past few days?

"I could've killed him. I was going to..." Peter started, his breath hitching, "Maybe I'm as bad as you guys thought." The boy tugged at his tie, the cloth felt too tight around his neck.

"Don't say that. You did what you thought was right. Now Norman's locked away." Peter nodded, trying to convince himself that he wasn't evil, that he wasn't a weapon.

"You're not a weapon. You didn't kill anyone, alright? Osborn never took away your humanity. You never let him." Tony cupped the boy's face. It forced Peter to look into his eyes.

"Am I ever going to be okay? At least less fucked up than now?" Peter asked, resting his head on Tony's chest.

"You're gonna be just fine, kid."

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