On the streets

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Andy's POV

"Fucking hell dude. Watch what Your fucking doing." Was all he said before turning. "Wait!" I shouted to him, He turned around. "What's your name?" I asked He answered. "Ashley."

Ashley Abrocket Purdy. I like it. I told him my name. Weirdly enough he sat down with me. "Why the fuck were you one the ice dip shit?" Ashley Asked. What is it with him. Is he always like this?

Anyway I told him about my mum and Hannah. Also about John and Jack. Surprisingly he listen, maybe make a comment in between. "God your fucking innocent boy." Ash said. After that I broke down in laughter.

"Ha ha ha. Good fucking joke Ashley. Really good. Shit I think I'm crying now." I laughed. "What did I say?" Ashley got confused. But it was really funny. We sat talking for about an hour. I learned a lot of stuff. Here is a list.

- He's 23

- He has a really big family

- He's an outcast like me

- He was a badass at school

- His parents disowned him

- He's gay

- He likes listening to 'bodies on the floor'

- He can play guitar

- He loves to wear black.

Not much but yeah. He a bit like me. before we knew it, it was 7:30pm. Before we left, Ashley made a promise. It was a bit out of the ordinary but okay. He promised he won't let me fall. After that I felt somewhat safe.

We said our goodbyes and went our own ways. I really enjoyed the day (And that's saying sommet) And I want to see Ashley again. I walked down the road and was stood outside my house.

I can't go in. Mum will kill me. I carried on walking. I decided to go to the local bar. As I walked in I was greeted by the bar tender. "Evening Andy." I smiled and took a seat. Usual?" He asked. I just nodded. He poured me a glass of whiskey mixed with lemonade. 

"I need to pop out to get some more whiskey. So Jinxx will take over for now. Okay?" he asked I just nodded while I drank my drink.

"Hi there mate." Jinxx said. I looked up and smiled. "Ah bad day I see. Wanna talk?" Fucking hell, why does everyone want to know my problems?

"No. Thanks." I replied. A few minutes later Dan (Other bar tender) came back. "Hey Dan Could I possible stop at you house for a few days?" I asked. "I would mate but there is no room. with my sisters and all." He replied.

I mumbled "Okay" to him. "Hey I have a spear room, if your interested." Jinxx offered. I took the offer.

After the bar closed, me and Jinxx walked to Jinxx's house. On the way I told him everything I told Ashley.

~~~~3 days later~~~~

I thanked Jinxx for letting me stay. I gave him my ohone number and address, vice versa. I headed home and stop when I saw my mother standing on the porch. Here we go. Brace yourself Andy.

To be honest and 16 year old doesn't need this from his mother. Really, she gets me drunk and high. Because of that I end up I'm girls beds. That women will be the death off me.

"Where the fuck have you been these past few days. And why did you fucking break up with Hannah. I hope your ready for your punishment. Andrew."Mum shouted. 

She grabbed me by the collar and pulled me inside the house. We went down some stairs and Mum opened the basement door. She tried shoving me in put I was pushing back. 

"Go in you stupid fuck." Mum yelled. "No I don't need this shit from you Amy.I shouted back. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Saved by the bell. Mum released me and I went running for the door.

I opened it and jumped into who's ever arms there were. "Wow calm down little man." Said a voice. It as Jinxx. "Thank god you here. You've just saved my life." I told him. He smiled and a bit  confused

"Well I only came here to give you ya phone back." Jinxx said."Really. Even Ashley is better then you. And he has anger issues." I laughed. "Err are you on about Ashley Purdy?" Jinxx asked. I nodded.

"I need to call that bastard. Do you have his number?" Jinxx's angry haha. I shook my head. 

Ashley, Ashley Ashley Purdy. Tallk to Ashley. was all i could my mind say. What is it with this guy. Yeah he's a badass and sexy but that's- Hold up. Didn't I just say he's sexy. But I don't mean it in that way. I don't like him. Do I?

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