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EdaTheOwl: Hello people!

Rainstorm: Umm.. Hi?

EdaTheOwl: Hello @everyone

Rainstorm: Eda are you ighoring me?

EdaTheOwl: Hey anyone??

Rainstorm: Eda

EdaTheOwl: Am I the only one online?

Rainstorm: Eda.

EdaTheOwl: Aww thats sad :(

Rainstorm: EDALYN!

EdaTheOwl: I guess I'll just leave :.(

Rainstorm: You know what Eda? We broke up ;)

EdaTheOwl: ...

EdaTheOwl: Raine...?

Rainstorm: Yes Eda?

EdaTheOwl: Did- Did you ment it like that...?

Rainstorm: I think you need someone that you notice, not me that you ignore.

EdaTheOwl: You know I didn't mean it like that-

Rainstorm: Oh really?

Rainstorm: You don't want me hurting your feelings do you? Oh but that again, I don't care what you want. Godbye Edalyn.

Rainstorm and EdaTheOwl went offline

Goldie: Guys...

Blightsexual: What?! <;:(

Goldie: Was this Belos..?

Blightsexual: But, we destroyed him...

Belos_Emperor: Yeah you did, I'm just at this place between worlds ya know? And I know how to hack someone that's what I just did >:)


Blightsexual: Wow Hunter, I didn't know you like Eda that much to protect her that much ;)

Goldie: Ya know, ahe cares about me too :) Maybe not taht much but she still does and that's just nice. When I was Gg (Golden guard) there was noone to care about me, and Eda was one of the first that did. It started the bad-way-caring but then changed to I-care-a-lot way so... Yeah. :)

Belos_Emperor: Uh, how pathetic

Blightsexual: Shut up, Hunter is my brother so stay away from him!!

Blightsexual kicked Belis_Emperor

Goldie: Thanks :)

Blightsexual: Yw ;)

Goldie: Now let's cheer Eda up!

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