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Denki was walking down the street, on the phone with his boyfriend Shinso, but they were once again arguing over something Shinso did. "No! I don't wanna hear it, Hitoshi! I'm done with you doing this to me, I'm breaking up with you, I want you and your things to be gone by the time I get home from work." Denki angrily hung up as he walked into the cafe where he worked. He put his apron on and opened the small cat cafe after letting the cats out and feeding them. He was washing his hands when he heard the bell from the front door chime.

Denki dried his hands and went up to the register where he saw a tall, built, blue haired man with glasses. "Hiya, what can I get for you, Sir!" The man didn't seem too much older than Denki, maybe about 23, 24 ish. "Well, hello, uhm, I'm not sure. Is there anything you recommend?" Denki smiled, always happy to give recommendations to customers.

"Oh yes! I seriously recommend our mocha Frappuccino with a blueberry-banana muffin!" The young man chuckled at the blondes eagerness in his answer, finding him absolutely adorable. "Then I will have just that, sunshine." Denki blushed a bit at the nickname the stranger gave him. "The name for the order?" Denki had to look up at the man, Denki was only 5'1 and the man seemed about 6'3 "at LEAST.

"Iida." The man now known as Iida replied. "Great! I'll bring it right to ya once it's done!" Iida nodded and sat at a small booth while Denki made his order, the blue haired male stared at the blonde the entire time, infatuated by him. What the blonde didn't know was Iida knew everything about the boy.. Denki brought Iida the food and drink with a smiling face. "Here ya go, Mr. Iida!" Iida chuckled and took the food and drink, "you can call me, Tenya, Denki."

Denki looked confused as to how the man knew his name but quickly remembered he was wearing a name tag. Iida noticed the slight falter in the blondes smile and smirked slightly. Denkis smile soon returned back to normal and scurried off behind the counter.

After a bit, 2 people walked in, one tall, skinny, latino, and stoned to the bone, he had black hair that went to his shoulders and he was wearing baggy cargo pants, a big yellow t-shirt and some combat boots, while the other was tall, a little shorter than the other, built, also stoned but not as much, he had cherry red hair that was tied back into a little man bun, shark looking teeth and he was wearing black ripped jeans, a red t-shirt and some gray high-top converse.

"You guys are late." Denki stated, "and you guys are-!" Denki stopped himself, looking over at Iida, then back to the 2 stoners. "Did you at least bring me some?" The Latino one giggled and went up to Denki, wrapping his arm around Denki. "You bet your cute ass we did~!" Denki giggled and took the little gold box full of joints, putting it in his pocket. Iida felt rage and jealousy at the little gesture of him even touching the blonde, let alone calling him cute.

"Thanks, Sero! Kiri, you get to clean the coffee maker today!" Denki said, teasing the red-head, to which Kirishima groaned. "Haha!" Sero laughed at him, "don't get too cocky now, mister. You get the chore of cleaning the oven." Sero groaned as Denki giggled. After a few hours, Iida still sat in his booth, ordering water from time to time. "I think he likes you, man," Kirishima whispered to Denki. He looked over as Iida was just staring at him. Denki shifted uncomfortably as he was being stared down, "Yeah.." Denki walked over to Iida, "is there anything else I can get getcha, Tenya?" Iida smirked slightly, hearing the sound of his name on the blondes lips. He was like music to him. "Maybe your number?" Denki blushed slightly.

"S-sorry, but I don't really feel comfortable w-with th -" Denki was cut off by a disappointed sigh from Iida, "No, I get it... don't give your number to strange guys you see.. it's ok.." Denki instantly felt really guilty, which was Iidas' plan, "a-ah n-no that's not -" Iida just smiled sadly, "no, it's quite alright, sunshine.." Denki gave in and wrote down his number on Iidas receipt, quickly giving it to him. "H-here ya go, have a good day!" Iida smiled and walked away, saying, "Talk to you later, cutie~. " Denki sighed as the man walked out. Already so fucking tired from just one interaction.

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