It might be a habit

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It's not that Draco's life got any better every time he slapped Potter's books off his desk. It's just that life for an elite teenager is dull, while taunting Potter to the point of a fist fight was not. 

There's dark wavy hair tangled in every direction possible. It's all Draco can see as he throws another crumpled ball of paper against it. It's the fifth insult that rolls off Potter's shoulder and onto the floor where his faded sneaker is bouncing up and down. 

He doesn't mean to scowl when he sees the horrid shoes, when he sees Potter fidgeting with his pen instead of opening the crumpled drawing him and Pansy drew so accurately of him, adorned with words viler than filth. But he still does. 


Draco swears he can't help himself when he decides to throw his pencil case instead. Sure there might be a silver engraved pen somewhere in there, but what's that worth compared to the bump it's surely going to give to Potter's misshaped head?


Pencils scatter everywhere as the case  falls with a metallic clang to the ground. 

"Mister Potter something the matter?" Miss Deloroi snaps as she peers with fiery blue eyes at him from behind her tiny round glasses. Potter's shoulders seem to shrink even lower than they already were. 

"No miss, I'm sorry miss," he whispers barely above the sniggers of the class. 

It takes miss Deleroi another long hard stare before she wordlessly turns back to the board to prattle on about geography. The effect is immediate. Harry turns on his chair to shoot Draco a mean glare that would have a lesser man cowering. The smirk that flits over Draco his mouth in reply is an utterly vile thing. It only has Potter scowling deeper. 

"What's the matter scarface?" he drawls innocently, "seems like you dropped something."

And as Potter abruptly turns back around Draco can't help but think about every line that makes Potter's face to the ugly Picasso that it is. How crooked his nose is, and how much he longs to break said nose. It makes his fists itch just thinking about it. 

In fact, he decides to do just that when the schoolday ends. Afterwards Potter can crawl back to whatever dirty hole he clambered out of, and Draco can go back to his dull life. The one he tries so desperately to forget every time he finds hateful green eyes looking at him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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