Are you sure this is destiny?

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Large leaps have been taken by humanity every century. From creating languages, to viewing sights beyond the boundaries of our planet. But as of past 200 hundred years, it seems a much larger leap for mankind has been made: The discovery of magic and the true potency of "make-believe." For the past few centuries, while at first shrugged of as the works of fiction, we slowly began to transition into the world of wizardry. Yes, wizardry. As in casting spells, and so on, and so forth. However, with the discovery of magic powers, there's also been more terrifying discoveries. With magic being "realized", there has also been in sudden trend of magical creatures, potentially just as dangerous as the magic humans can realize. That's why there's also a heroic union of wizards and witches to defend those who can't defend themselves. However, in order to become a wizard, you must attend a wizardry high school. In this current day, it is almost everyone's dream to become partake in the advanced world of magic. Even children. Especially children. But, um...

The scene is set. A spacious yellow room, with a table and several cards arranged on it, with 3 people sitting. An overly excited boy, with black hair and eyes, his mother, who looked almost identical, and a fortune teller, an elderly looking woman with lots of jewelry.


Soft-voiced mother: "My goodness, he's been vibrating like this ever since I told him last week. Ms. Fortuna, I'm sorry to be make this a bit quick but... Could make this a bit quick? He'll start running around the entire building if it goes any longer. Trust me, I've seen it, it's not fun to clean up."

Boy-in-blue: "I wanna get The World! Am I gonna get The World?! I hope I get The World! That'd be awesome!"

Soft-voiced mother: "Sweety, I don't know what you'll get. Anything can happen."

Fortuna: "Do not fret, little one. Whatever arcana you are born of was destined to be yours! It is not something of random chance. Now... Be absolutely silent and still for me..."

The room grew eerily quiet and as the lights in the room dimmed, it felt as if they were no longer in the room, and now in a realm existent only in their unconsciousness. The blank card on the table glows brilliant and begins to float. The boy contained his excitement to the best of his ability, all to watch that card show his fate, and those magic words come out of the fortune-teller's mouth. 'Impressive! It seems The Sun is your fate!' 'C-Could it be? ...The World?!'

Fortuna: "To decide the young wizard's fate--Show yourself!... Ngh! THE FOOL!!"

The card falls to the table, as well as the young fool's jaw. It was true, he was born of The Fool arcana: His worst nightmare.

Soft-voiced mother: "Oh... Uh oh."

Boy: "The... The Fool?"

Fortuna: "That is correct, youngling."

The boy picked up the card and looked underneath. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Boy: "Y-You're sure this is mine? Are you sure you're sure?"

Fortuna: "The Tarot card is in your hands. And I said the words... So it must be right!"

Boy: "Oh... Oh. Oh, I get it! You're playing a trick on me, and my actual card is behind your back! Really funny play on The Fool, huh! Come on, hand it over."

Fortuna: "Son, this world is full of fantasies, but one thing is for certain. This. Is. Your. Card."

The young fool didn't say anything. He held the card firmly. Not of his own accord, but because his body was frozen in shock.

Mother: "But, I don't understand. I'm not angry, but I have to question this as well. I had always heard that if both parents are of the same Arcana, it increases the chances--if not guarantees--a child of the same Arcana. His father and I are of The Chariot, so he was expecting an identical result..."

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