01 - Rafe

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"Oi." I yelled as I practically ran at her, my converse pounded into the ground as I reached my car door where Star stood. She was leaning up against my car door, sunglasses on and a blue cap pulled down over her eyes.

She moves her head slightly to the left and I see the glimmer of her nose ring in the sun. it's a large gold hoop that hooks around her right nostril.

"Rafe," She moves her sunglasses down her nose to eye me up and down. Her almost black eyes scan me as though they have X-ray vision and I glare at her through my sunglasses.

"What?" I practically yell, annoyed by her silence. She takes off her sunglasses and places them in her mouth as she swivels and looks at the houses around her.

"Oh my dearest, dearest Rafe." She pauses and smirks at me, "You owe my brother money." Her smirk remains whilst mine sinks from my face. Star is my dealer Barry's sister and I've owed them both for almost five months. 

"Oh god your face when I said that was priceless." She wipes a faux tear from her eye and moves over to the passenger door.
"I need a ride, to JJ's." She opens the car door and monouvers herself inside. I roll my eyes and internally scream.

"And why would I help you." I slide in the divers seat knowing damn well I'll drive her if it means I don't have to deal with Barry or her big scary boyfriend Leo.

She laughs at me and connects her phone to the aux. when I turn on the ignition Lily Allens fuck you blasts from the speakers and I roll my eyes at the song choice. Star is the human equivalent of this song, she hangs out with the town theif JJ but refuses to even look at his friend Kie because she's apparently 'loyal to Sarah'. Kie and Sarah have had beef for decades over a huge miscommunication. But still girls will be girls. I practically stomp on the gas pedal and I hear a slight gasp escape Star's lips at the sudden movement. I turn my head to get a better glance at what Stars wearing, she's always had good style, even when we were kids she was always the best dressed at pre school.
She's wearing low-rise baggy jean-shorts which go down to her knees, a yellow boob tube with Brazil written in green along the chest, white socks and yellow Nike dunks. I'm honestly jealous I don't have as good of style as her. Her Black hair is crimped, probably from the sea water and tied back into a messy half up half down hairstyle. Her dark brown skin is covered in henna and I can see on her cheeks she's got slight sunburn.

"Why are you staring?" She turns her head to glare at me. And I immediately look away and glare at the road. I hook a right turn towards the pouge side of the island and grimace at the spray painted sign.
So I should probably explain, I'm Rafe a kook and Star is a pouge/kook, her dad, Jamie is a massive business person (kook) and her other dad, Ronald (pouge) is basically scraping the money for a cigarette let alone to feed his daughter. But guess who Star sees more of, the poor one. She takes all the apology gifts from Jamie for being an awful dad and stays with Ronald because surprise-surprise he's the most chill dad ever.

Even though Ronald isn't a pouge all of the north side have accepted him as one of their own. Which is how I happened to meet Star, she was helping her dad, Ronald with groceries when my little sister, Sarah appeared, offering to help them carry them to the car. Like the little peach she is.

I pull into the trailers muddy drive way and tilt my head to look at the rusty door. Star mumbles something which sounds like a thankyou and practically runs out the car. She knocks on the door and shoos me off with her hands. Before I can pull an illegal UTurn and get the hell out of this stupid pouge land JJ answers the door and pulls Star in for a hug, where he wraps his arms around her waist and practically pushes her off the decking to his trailer. She screams and swings her arms out to catch her balance, whilst laughing. I let out a laugh myself and begin to reverse out the small gap. JJ catches my eye and gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen as I salute him and drive off.

It's not that I hate Star, I just think she's the most annoying person on the planet, she's probably more annoying then JJ. And that's saying something. Let's just say that if I had a decision to push her off a bridge or stub my toe, I'm choosing the first option. Her and Barry are half siblings, they share the same dad, Jamie. Jamie's BI and has severe commitment issues, hence Barry and Star. Stars mum apparently ran of and joined the circus, and Jamie met Ronald who took Star in with open arms and legally adopted her with Jamie. Unfortunately Barry didn't get the same treatment, I think that if he did he wouldn't have turned out the way he did, massive drug addict and dealer. Barry's mum took the liberty of raising him and when it got too hard, ran off and left him.

The only memory I have of me doing something which was mildly nice, without being motivated by my fear of Barry was probably when Star was getting bullied in grade four for having two dads by some kid whose name I can't remember, and I punched him in the nose so hard that it broke in two pieces and he had to get surgery (he still looks like Mr. Potato head). But other than that I've always been Rafe. Sarah's brother, the one who can't commit, the bad guy and I don't think Star's ever seen me differently.
I drive down the road and turn in to the country club and put on a fake cocky smile and slap my face a few times to bring back the colour.
"Let's do this."

(A/N) okay guys what the flip, not me eating with Stars outfit. I'm tired of not having well-written POC characters so I'm making Star south Indian. Not me slipping some LGBTQIA+ characters in there 🫣 because their not represented enough. Guys Star is actually so cool, like actually have my children🙏. Ik this chapter was short but pls have faith in me, I'm currently sat on a plane writing this (the fear I have of someone seeing my Wattpad history is so high rn) and it's bumpy like am I gonna die 😍🤪 (guys I'm using 🤪 ironically pls believe me🙏).

anywaysssssss bye my POOKIES see you soon. 🤓☝️

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