02 - Star 🌟

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"So why was Rafe Cameron driving you to my house." JJ runs down the steps and begins walking towards the road which leads to the beach.

"I don't even know man, he's a bit silly at times don't you think ?" I laugh at my own joke, a guilty habit of mine and run to catch up with JJ's quick pace.

"But you're not like... into him or something." He eyes me with his scary blue eyes and quickens his pace. I struggle to catch him, both because of my lack of leg and the fact that I'm erupting in laughter.

"Me," I point to myself and laugh again, "The girl who is dating the king of pouges would go for the king of kooks, who is the biggest rat in the world." JJ joins in on my laughter and shrugs his shoulders as if to say i don't know man I was being pretty silly.

But as I walked I started to consider the idea. Me dating Rafe ? He certainly wasn't unattractive and his hands were like really...big. Oh my god no I seriously needed to stop thinking about his hands, his fingers especially his middle finger, yknow the one with the ring. Me and Rafe had certainly had our differences we had gotten into more arguments than I could count we had even had an actual physical fight. Obviously Rafe would never hit me but he had pushed me into a pool and my bikini top had came straight of which obviously subjected me to years of humiliation. I mean I wasn't embarrassed of my body I knew I was hot but it's the way Rafe stared at me disgusted, apparently he had even gone to the toilet to throw up and according to Topper he had heard Rafe moaning in there probably due to him being so disgusted. So yeah, not my finest moment but we move.

"Star? Bro can you not ignore me," JJ's hand floated Infront of me and I slapped it away. He looked shocked and pushed my shoulder, annoyed.

"Sorry...It's a reflex," I tried to smile at him but the thoughts of Rafe clouded my brain and I started to walk quicker to avoid JJ. It's not that I felt guilty or anything I could like anyone I wanted - not that I liked Rafe or anything - but even thinking of Rafe made me feel nervous because Rafe and JJ did not get along. To be honest JJ didn't get along with any of the pogues except me.

Well, I wouldn't really call myself a pouge. My family situation is... difficult. I have two dads and I'm proud (I'm not gonna lie straight people scare the shit out of me. Not in a weird way, I just never know when they are gonna hate crime me yknow?). But my dad, my biological dad whose Bi had a baby with my mum, who I've never met and she left soon after I was born (I don't blame her to be honest I'm not exactly easy to deal with) and that's when my bio dad met my true dad and he leagally adopted me. But it was hard to do, really hard and then they divorced and I spend all my time with my true dad. My life isn't the worst I know that. Trust me I do. But it's still difficult having to explain how my life works, well not difficult but just exhausting to say the least.

Anyway, let's get back to the present.

"Shit star I think I'm gonna go say hi to Kie you seriously need to learn how to listen I've been talking to you for like the past twenty minutes and you've been ignoring me it's just boring at this point." JJ says whilst he walks away from me towards Kie's house.

"JJ I'm sorry I'm just in a mood today I'm sorry." I say as I attempt to catch up with him. He pulls out a cigarette and I light it for him with my lighter which he got for me for Christmas. It's blue and has a star on it. creative I know.

"Just fuck off Star I can't be asked to deal with you," He walks away and I can see Kie glaring at me from her place on the decking outside her house. JJ has never been one to care about how his words affect people and I liked that at the start but now... I don't know man sometimes what he says doesn't piss me off exactly it just makes my eyes sting and my breathing quickens. weird I know.

"Kie looking gorgeous as ever," I wink at her, "Hey maybe I could take you out one night I'm sure we could put this rivalry behind us and maybe you screaming my name will be a good thing instead of a bad thing. what do ya say sweetie?" I wink at her and poke my tounge with my cheek as I see her cheeks flush and her glare deepen.

"Is that a no? Oh cmon don't make me beg although I'd be happy to get on my knees for you," I laugh but my smile falters as I notice her mother comes out of the house looking appalled. Her mother isn't a... big fan of me, and by that I mean she absolutely hates me and my dad's purely because we are homosexuals.

"Oh hey Ma'am didn't see ya there but hey I'm all good with a threeso-" My words are thrown off as I look at JJ he doesn't look amused and just looks annoyed, what is going on with him he looks like a fucking ass right now.

"Maybe you and your," she eyes me up and down, "sexuality should leave. You are also on my lawn." she grimaces as she looks down at me. Bitch.

"Sure Ma'am sorry to disturb." I give JJ a look as I leave I absolutely despise people that see homophobia and don't say anything which is the only reason I turn around and say-

"By the way ma'am your daughter fucks like a God. I'm hoping she gets that from you," I smirk as I hear the appalled shouts of Kie's mother. Kie does in fact not fuck like a God, just so you know. My step is quick and I frown as I look down at the ground and keep my hands in my pockets. I need to see Rafe. The thought sounded foreign in my brain but I really needed to see him.

This is gonna be a problem isn't it. 😔✋

(A/N) guys I'm cooked I had to turn on my auto caps for this so say thankyou. now.
anyway moving on I hate Kie's mother so I'm making her horrible and I think that Star is actually so funny so I'm making her slay. 💯 literally nobody makes me laugh more than myself so you have to be punished by my humour 😔🤚. anyway I am actually in a writing slump so I APOLOGISE BRO. I have no clue what to write so I'm just gonna go but stay chill and pls comment 🫶

bye my pookies 🤓☝️

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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