My Lips in Formalin

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I'll put my lips in formalin.
You can put it out and put it in.
You can kiss me though I am gone.
But you'll spend the night all alone.

I know you'll miss
my vulgar lips
and my askew look
on your jigsaw nude.
I'll preserve my heart
before we break apart.
I'll create a new art
By giving you my parts.
An art of carving my role
in your humble soul.

Before I leave,
I'll certainly weave
my naked skin
in your gene.
Until I'm a goner
you'll not honor
my love for your
ignorant core.

After my death, you'll want me more.
Though I have to leave you sore.
I'll preserve my lips in formalin.
This type of thing you have never seen.

I'll put my eyes in formalin.
I'll make you feel I'm watchin'.
I'll put my ears in formalin.
So I can hear the words you speak.
I'll leave my heart for dissecting
That you always did while I was living.

I'll make sure you have all organ of mine
In a jar of formalin, I'll drown my brain.
After my departure, you can read my thoughts.
As you can see, I pondered about you a lot.
All the useless pieces of info you gave me
I kept those words as a precious memory.

I'll fill a jar with my tear.
Please keep that big jar near.
Put it on your tongue and just feel.
Salty, isn't it? And try to heal.
Now it's your turn.
I doubt if you ever mourn.
This much love, I think, you don't deserve.
Though all of my organs, I will preserve.
And for you, I'll leave enough formalin
to put some love, if you have anything.

Recently, I saw a horse at my university dissected by veterinary students for study

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Recently, I saw a horse at my university dissected by veterinary students for study. When I returned home, watching my hair and comparing it to the horse's tail, a bolt hit my head. Thus, I got the spark of writing this poem.

 Thus, I got the spark of writing this poem

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My Lips in FomalinWhere stories live. Discover now