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(Au Story)
Seven Elders were the Keeper of the Guardians and they're were given purpose to live on earth to protect any evil from its every last generation many years ago before the cybertron was born and the war start was just beginning...
Apollo and others were in Celestia Hall born here in earth otherside of realm they were confuse on why they here but they finally understood what their purpose to be here as they start to build own their own...
They kept balance equal and make sure nothing happened they also understood that it was death and life between of humans mortal legend says the Seven Saviors came from heaven that falls into earth and born here in mountains each of its locations as they start to to praise them and worship them many people didn't know it was real only good human beings can be entrusted by Light Pure beings from a Celestia Hall can accept them, skykids can be peaceful to humans but however at some point they intentionally trust humans due to different nature habits they had.
And that is why good people believe they need gain to trust them which they did..^^
And well bye

TransformersxSkycolt Starmybunny:(Au Story)Where stories live. Discover now