The Hill

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It was a fine day to be outside, but something was different. As you walk back up to the house, you see a river behind one of the silos. You grab the row boat and head down the river. Wow, you can't believe how much your arms hurt! Finally you get over to the other side, and tie up the boat. There's not much to see, just like at home.... until you see an old woman laying on the river banks. You rush up and see if she's okay. She said that she's dying and she hasn't got much time left, but you need to go and get her son over the hill. On the way over, you begin to think about it and she starts looking familiar. You can almost place where she's from but then you reach the house. The sky is turning grey, but you insist on getting her son. You see him and start light jogging down the hill and before you can say anything, "I've been expecting you. Did you really think we wouldn't find you?" He said in a low unsettling voice. You turn around and the old woman is standing there, and it clicks. She is the kidnapper police have been looking for since You were a child. You feel cold hands wrap around your neck, and then you see a knife, blood is rushing down your neck with the rain. Everything goes dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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