seraphim IX

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A/N - ha yes another ikp/lda au (inspired by the video game 'iron lung')

Beep. Spaceship armor level: 78%. 

Narrowed eyes glance over the screens and panels lining the dashboard of the starship. No time to waste- the radar signaled red dots on all sides.

Beyond the clear reinforced glass panels of the front was the destination in mind- a large wormhole, leading to one of the sole surviving planets of the century. It didn't look promising at all from the information panel screen.

[Planet Nemesis VII]

Danger: A

Extraterrestrial Life: This planet is occupied by sentient alien lifeforms. They are described to be humanlike, roughly 8 feet tall and with tentacles for arms. They are assertive creatures, but will attack if threatened. Proceed with caution.

Climate: Very, very cold. Avalanches and blizzards occur often on Nemesis VII. Proceed with caution.

[Wormhole Information]

Armor level must be above 50% for stable jump diffusion.

Type: Traversable

Proceed with caution.

Of course, the risks of travelling via wormhole were well known. But it was between this or manually driving this spacecraft to the planet, which was at least a million light years away.

There was no time for thinking about switching routes- another rumble shook the tiny vessel, known as the Seraphim IX. Behind the control panels, on the worn out leather chair sat a teenager with messy white hair and blue eyes. He hissed as the force shook the entire spacecraft- yanking hard on a lever as the spacecraft shot ahead like a comet towards the wormhole.

The force of the blow from the unknown attacker had struck the side of the Seraphim IX, most likely knocking off one of the six steering fins. This would create even more imbalance during the landing, and could potentially throw the entire spacecraft off course. 

The boy gritted his teeth. If he retracted the fin on opposite end of the damaged one- it could potentially right the vehicle. But that would cause less control over the spacecraft, as that meant two of the six steering fins would be put out of commission.

He didn't want to look. He yanked another lever, and with a mechanical hum he could hear the fin parallel to the damaged one retract into the ship. 

Beep. Spaceship armor level: 65%

It was enough to make the jump, so the boy tugged on his seatbelt and started praying.

He couldn't remember why he was here. He couldn't remember who he was. He couldn't even remember his name. The only thing he could remember was his purpose, a mechanical voice repeating in his head over and over again whenever he tried to recall anything:

Restore the universe. Save our planets and stars.

That, and how to operate this tiny ship. Sweat trickled down his face as he neared the wormhole, speeding up as he shot through. He was used to the blinding array of shining colors and lights flashing before him all in the span of a millisecond. 

Someone once told me... I could see my memories there...

But it was all too fast, and it was over as sudden as it had came.

He let out a sigh as he relaxed into his seat slightly, watching as he neared the planet more and more. He glanced behind him just as the wormhole closed up, dissipating into cosmic dust and particles. His head spun with the nauseating movements of zero gravity, and he knew he would have to get used to the new planet's terrain once again. He left the cockpit and left towards the main compartment to pack up his meager possessions.

He didn't have much to work with. He wasn't ever informed with how exactly to prevent the destruction of the planets, but he really had no choice but to find out. All his last missions had ended in failure.

If he didn't complete his mission, what would he do? Where would he go? There was no place for him and his ship, among the sea of dying stars. The universe was fading. He knew this, yet he refused to believe.

There was no point, really, in stopping.

And so as the ship landed onto the snowy terrain, as the door opened, as the plank lowered and he stepped out...

He didn't once look back.

The hatch closed behind him and locked into itself, condemning him to his fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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