They Get A Holoform

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This scenario is when Optimus sends out a message to all Autobots and they all get to see each other again after years of hiding. Ratchet decides to invent a "Holoform" as a disguise so they can blend in with your species (how they look is shown in the "Information" chapter)


- As the leader of the autobots he didn't really ever go outside much so he didn't have any need to use his Holoform


- Excited like a child he gets to be human and spend more time with you now


- He was a medical bot so he always stays indoors and rarely uses his new holoform


- Same as Bumblebee he was pretty happy about it since he can now listen to more music and even go to concerts (if he ever got the money..)


- Didn't care much about it but would use it if necessary


- Liked using his new holoform and it came with a pair of roller skates since his bot form has wheels instead of pedes


- Didn't want to use his holoform because he still hates humans and will only use it if he absolutely has to (although for you he will use it if you want to chat with him for a bit)


- He was more than happy to use it because now he can eat pizza and other human foods with you

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