Chapter 1: Prelude

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It was just another day, feeling mundane. It's always the same feeling every time I settle down to the couch after discarding my uniform to the laundry, changing into my comfy home clothes. Yes, it was really boring. I shifted slightly, reaching the remote control to turn on the television, but then again, that sluggish feeling was dominant, and I was struggling enough just to make up my mind on what to really watch. Impatience was running through as I shuffled every channel available, having it looped for the 3rd time. My hands then jerked in surprise as I heard my mom scream from the kitchen, telling me to just switch off the damn television if I'm not watching something worthwhile. Instead of retorting, I just agreed to her statement and shut the poor television off. Okay, now what? My brain is somewhat low in functioning today or somehow distorting my senses, perceiving everything mixed with boredom. My somewhat half-lidded eyes scanned the living room, having a little hope that some out of place artifact or something extraordinary will caught my eye. Nothing of sorts, I see. With my eyes now fully closed, visual senses now coated with a soothing dullness, I lulled myself into a daydream. Yes, it's much better here.

Flashbacks of today's happening scrolled into my mind. Filtering the good ones, my lips formed a sly smile as I played back my most favorite part. It was my new seatmate, waving goodbye. It's not just a normal seatmate though. Actually, greetings like this are quite normal for classmates and friends but this one was a tad bit special in terms of personal feelings. You can guess now. Feel free to squeal. This guy, my beloved classmate, seatmate and friend, is my long running crush of all time. It started with a big admiration in my grade school days. Ever since he transferred to our school he shone a very special aura around him, I don't know if it's just me but really, the boy really has this ambiance of a fine kid and a very pleasing personality to boot. What I expected is what I got though. Maybe I'm having a self-fulfilling bias but yes, he is exactly what I imagined. Our school is just a local one, private and small enough to occupy kids around the district. It offers preparatory school up to high school, and it's been my second home ever since I started schooling. And this fine kid with a pleasing personality has been my classmate since third grade until now, 10th grade. Oh. So it's been that long. And look, I'm still here in the stage of admirati- oh I mean it's now a crush or puppy love. Whatever you call that. And I'm quite satisfied with the things now. Or maybe not. Another flash of the earlier encounter with my seatmate went through my thought. Okay you caught me there, painting my face with a sheepish smile. I won't deny it, okay. I'm kind of having an obsession over him, and a day won't pass without this type of daydreaming just thinking about how happy I am. I want to thank my ever amazing adviser for assigning this seating arrangement. For the whole school year it is. Oh good grace thank the heavens for this opportunity.

I was disrupted of my lovable thoughts as I crankily opened my eyes, adjusting into a sitting position and turned around who was the rude person who just thrown off a phone on the back of my head. Oh great. My annoyingly adorable little sister, smiling there so innocently, my irritation diminished. Okay, she's kindergarten and very adorable, I forgive her. So what was it again? Oh, right. My cell phone. I wonder who it is. I slid the screen of my smart phone, reading a text message colored with a mass of slang and emoticons. It's my best friend, who is also a childhood friend and classmate, that's a heck of a riot sometimes. And that's why I love her so much. Anyways, I wonder what's up? Oh. What? I discarded the phone off my hands, ready to smash it; no wait, what I want is to smack is this idiotic of a best friend who makes weird messages at a very wrong moment. "Thinking of him atm r u? :"> <3 hahaha jk <3 :* :*" Right off the bat with that. Disregarding the kidding part I mean. I swear I'm going to get her tomorrow. Knocking off pillows embracing my thighs, I immediately stood up, my dreary feeling washed away by that honestly ridiculous message.

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