Chapter 2 : Cinderella (Part 1)

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A stomping of an impatient pair of heels made me jerk off, almost tripping a bucket full of water mixed with floor dust while I was mopping the marble floor clean next to the grand staircase. I made a relieved sigh, for saving myself from a clumsy accident. I rather not do this cleaning all over again, I asserted. I may be a (self-proclaimed) diligent and pleasant teenage girl but I am not the type of person to stupidly obey an order without a good reason. And this slaving that I'm currently getting was not really making me any better. Damn people of this house, clean your own mess! I pressed the mop I'm holding with extra force brought by my irritation. The ranting on my head stopped as the owner of the heels shouted with a disdainful tone. I turned around frowning and eyebrows knitted together, yet another vein tempting to pop out of my head in utter annoyance of the demanding voice. There stands a girl around, well, maybe two to three years older than me, dressed in a fairly pretty jade green dress, or gown, because it extends right down in her ankle. Whatever it is, it's rather fancy because of the white frills that surround the wrists, shoulders, and bottom of the said dress. She has a fluffy red brick long hair. The girl with a fancy dress darted her amber eyes on me, looking at me like I'm some kind of comedian blurted out some corny joke. Okay, did I do something wrong now? "Who gave you the right to glare in front me?" The said girl made a suspecting face, anger seeping as she folded her arms across her chest. "Well?" her tone urged irritation waiting for my response. Oh great. Now what? Is she some kind of a spoiled princess here? Who the heck is she to- Oh. Cinderella, right? If the old lady earlier is the step mother, probably this one is one of her daughter and thus, the step sister. Or rather my step sister. For now. I sighed inwardly in defeat. I guess I'll try to observe things in here further. Comply. For now. I inhaled softly, then altered my annoyed state into a pleasing and compromising one, looking straight at the girl who I deemed waited long enough for me to reply an answer. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just thinking about some bad stuffs." I smiled awkwardly, praying that she'll buy my excuse. Her face contorted with irritation subsided as it changed into an indifferent one. "Whatever. I'm tired with all the shopping I did. Bring all the bags in my room, they're in the entrance." She waved her hand dismissively upon ascending upstairs. "Oh, and bring me something to eat, something sweet preferably" she lastly stated before she disappeared into the second floor of the mansion.

I slumped my shoulders in defeat, feeling in between annoyance and frustration. This is one thing I hated in this fairy tale. Sure, I loved Cinderella, it's dreamy and romantic, but idea that she was enslaved as a servant by her step mother and sisters was depressing. And the fact that I am having the same circumstances with her was just dreadful. Oh no, I'm not doing this. But then again, comply, I said to myself. I have to adapt first before doing anything hasty. To begin with I had no idea what happened to me. I remember I was in the living room and the next thing happened I am stuck in some fairy tale fantasy. What the heck. I scrambled my feet to the entrance, my thoughts now replaced with fascination as my eyes wandered through the interior of the hallway. Well, it's not that bad. Considering that this was just a mansion, it was quite extravagant, chandeliers and red carpets and all the rich emanating from every display. I finally arrived at my destination, which was the entrance door. I sighed, now loudly, blended with a taste of dismay. A pile of paper bags and gift boxes of several shades of colors that represented the rainbow greeted me, to my discontent. "I have to carry all of this?" I huffed frustratingly as I recall that the room was on the second storey of the mansion. Plus, I don't even know where the damn room is supposed to be! Oh well, whatever. I started picking up the boxes, taking in those that can occupy my short arms and hands. Then I proceeded walking slowly, especially extra careful as I ascended upon the stairs. I seriously have no idea where to go, and glanced to my left then right side. The second floor was divided into two separate big hallways. My eyes found itself to a third room in the right hallway; door slightly open as a small amount of light escaped from the gap. Heading to the source of light, I was about to push the door with my foot but then stopped midway as I remember courtesy. Yeah, people should knock before entering. As my hands are currently busy with a load of colorful boxes, I attempted to gain consent from the occupant of the room by asking, "Excuse me? Uhmm..." My sentence died softly as damn it I don't remember the names of the step sisters! The last time I watched Cinderella was when I was a 4th grader. Of course I wouldn't remember! Uhm, what was it again? Cordelia? Antoinette? Gosh, I can't even think of a name that sounds medieval! Or even European! "Is that Isabella? Hurry up and put those bags here! What's taking you so long?" my frantic thoughts gradually dispersed as I heard the impatient voice behind the door. Good grace that saved me. I thought she might kill me because I really don't know her name. I exhaled in relief and pushed the door using my right shoulders. "Sorry my lady." I folded my knees downward as I carefully dropped the boxes on the floor. I slightly poked my head upwards to peak what the step sister was doing. She was combing her hair in front of a mirror cabinet, seemingly adoring her features. She didn't give a glance at me as I exited her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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