it's better if I...

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POV Charlie. I should be relieved by what the judge said, but my mother's sentences keep running through my head. I lose all control of my thoughts at this moment. Nick is at school and Sarah is working. I don't have to go to school because of everything that has happened. But the fear is too much for me and thoughts are running through my head. Maybe it's better that I ..... I take pen and paper and make a letter for Nick, I write and write and after 30 minutes I have written 4 pages, I make 1 more letter for Sarah and a small note for my mother. I fold everything and put it under my pillow on the bed. Tears are streaming down my cheeks, I watch another video on my phone and decide that this is his moment. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom, I search and search and can't find much. FUCK! I think I'll eventually find some kind of drink or something. I loosen the cap and drink the bottle, ouch, this is burning, I say, look at me in the mirror and then say bye, Charlie. I lie back on the bed and stare at the ceiling, it seems like hours before I really notice anything. Pov nick. I hope Charlie is doing well. Yesterday the verdict was against his mother, but when he got home he went to bed. He hasn't been using his feeding tube and it worries me. I have already sent Charlie several messages but he does not text me back. Every minute I look at the clock, finally 4:00 PM, I rush to the school gate and see my mother in the car, I get in and I'm silent the whole way. We're coming home CHARLIE I'M HOME. Strangely enough it is quiet. I go to my room and see Charlie lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. Char Charlie? I don't get an answer, strangely because his eyes are open. Maybe he is deep in thought. I sit at the desk and do my homework. Some time later I have to go to the toilet and step into the bathroom. I do my thing, wash my hands and then see an empty bottle of Nico. It wouldn't, would it? I walk back to my room. Charlie char honey can you hear me? I don't get an answer, I slowly walk over to him and sit on his bed. He is white, strange, there is shallow breathing. And he's a bit cold! MAMA I scream, I think my mother heard the fear because she runs upstairs. You have to help Charlie he he he . I'm sobbing and can't finish my words. Nicky calm down, what is it? I think he drank Nico. Mom checks the pulse low 45/100 nicky grab a syringe and a bowl of water. I obey and do as she asks. My mother gave Charlie almost 3 liters of water through the tube and 0.5 liters of salt water. Nick, he's going to be fine. My mother works in the hospital and knows what to do. Just give Charlie a few hours and he will come around. His throat would be sore but that is normal. I hug my mother thank you mom.

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