P'Sai I Don't Want To Be Alone

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Disclaimer: English is not my first language so bare with me 😅 Other than that, enjoooyyyy this fanfiction about Sailub (P'Sai) and Supanut (Nut) 🌸 Don't forget to vote please!


It's been a long day and Supanut is at home feeling overwhelmed and alone. He is looming around his aparment, switching between laying in his bed, to laying in his sofa or going to the kitchen to see if he can find anything to eat. The feeling of not wanting to be alone creeps up on him even more and he can't stop thinking about it. At some point he tries to play some games on his computer, and it does work for half an hour, but then the feeling of not wanting to be alone hits him again. He does not understand it, he has been living on his own for a few years now so way does he feel all alone out of the blue? And why does it bother him so much to the point where he can't find anything to distract himself from his own thoughts and the unwanted feeling of not wanting to be alone.

Now that he thinks about it he would love to have Sailub here at his apartment to give him some company. He picks up his phone, searches for Sailub's name and presses the call-button. After a few signals Sailub answers.

"Hello" Sailub says. Supanut can't stop his tiny smile on his lips when he hears his P'Sai greeting him on the phone. Supanut does not say anything and a few seconds pass. Sailub's patience is running out so he says "Ai Nut, are you there?". The only thing Nut does is to whisper "P'Sai I don't want to be at home alone. I really don't want to be alone, could you come? Please?". Supanut can hear Sailub sigh on the other end and he knows Sailub will come when he asks Supanut if he wants him to stay the night and Supanut answers with a small "yes please". Shortly after they end the call and Supanut waits for Sailub.


After the call has ended Sailub throws a few pieces of clothing in a bag he will bring with him to Supanut's apartment. When he is done he drives away in his car and shortly after that he finds himself standig outside Supanut's door knocking. The door opens to reveal Supanut standing there in an oversized black hoodie, the paws of the hoodie hiding his hands, the hood on and almost covering his dull eyes, his short shorts showing of his beatiful long legs and some fuzzy slippers on his feet. Sailub goes in and closes the door after himself. It's clear to him that Supanut seems very vulnerable and does not feel good but he has no idea what is bothering Supanut.

"Come here" is what Sailub says while opening both his arms widely to offer Supanut a hug. Supanut looks at him, takes the steps needed to be able to reach Sailub and he nearly throws himself in Sailub's arms. "What's wrong Nut? Hmm?" Sailub mumbles as he asks Supanut while they are still standing in Supanut's hallway hugging. The only respons Sailub gets is Supanut sighing and then him burying his head in the crook of Sailub's neck. Sailub starts to comfort him by using his hand to rub Supanut's back. What feels like minutes pass and Sailub tries again. "Nut, what happened? If you don't answer me how am I suppose to know what you need?". Supanut can hear the worry in Sailub's voice.

Still having his head buried in Sailub's neck he gives him a tiny kiss before he releases himself from the hug to look into Sailub's eyes and finally tries to give him an answer. "Nothing specific happened... I dont know, I just have this weird feeling of not wanting to be alone and I feel overwhelmed to the point where I can't find anything to do. I even had trouble taking naps, you know how much I love and value my naps". Sailub knows that Supanut loves to take his naps whenever he has some time off so it worries him when Supanut says that he can't even fall asleep.

Sailub grabs Supanut and pulls him towards himself to engulf him in another hug while whispering "Don't worry Nut, I'm here now. You are not alone". He can hear tiny sobs coming from Supanut and he pulls Supanut away from the hug so he can see Supanut's face and wipe away the tears from Supanut's eyes. "Oh teerak, why are you crying? Im here now". Supanut just shrugs while whispering an "I don't know". If it wasn't as quiet as it was Sailub would proabably not be able to hear Supanut's answer.

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