Chapter 1

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I walked into training like usual and placed my bag at the back of the room out of the way waiting for others to arrive before the class started. It was the easiest class for me...considering I had always been a dancer. The most effort went into stretching I didn't want to risk injuring myself.

??: Yo Y/n!

I looked up and saw a guy I recognised by this point.

Y/n: What Shin?

Shin was one of the only people who could speak a decent amount of english which lead to him trying to be my friend. But after basically getting abandoned by Ray and his entire family I'm not to sure about being friends with anyone.

Shin: How are your korean lessons going?

Y/n: Considering I understand the language completely...ok. I'm still messing up pronunciation.

Shin: Well you know once you get the hang of Korean pronunciation I'm sure you will be great. I mean you know most words. Like I can speak to you in Korean and you can respond to me in english perfectly.

Y/n: I have been in Korea for- a while.

Why am I hesitating on telling him how long I have been here? Am I embarassed that I can't speak the langauge yet...what is wrong with me.

Shin: Well I'll help you out as much as I can. Wait I just realised how old are you?

Y/n: Seventeen.

Shin: Me too! When is your birthday? Mine is the fifth of April two thousand and three.

Y/n: August seventeenth-


Y/n: Two thousand and you are four months older th-

Shin: THAT DOESN'T MATTER! Its your birthday why are you here just skip and relax!

Trainer: Shin!

Shin: I-I didn't mean it litterally.

Trainer: Whatever everyone get into position. Make sure you have good space around you.

After the few hours of dance training that was probably too easy for me or seemingly Shin. He pulled me out the room and quickly out of the building. He was serious about skipping because its my birthday.

Shin: Arcade?

Y/n: Sure.

We spent the rest of the time that we would usually be recieving training playing games or eating junk was probably the best birthday I had since I came to Korea.

Shin: Oh wow~ its already 5pm.

Y/n: Its five?

Shin: Yeah. Why?

Y/n: I got to go to my job.

Shin: Really?

Y/n: Yep. I really need to keep it.

Shin: Go ahead bro. Eat something good once you are done!

I ran from the arcade to the reasturant I worked in. Once inside I quickly changed in the bathroom and went out to take my first table. Luckily the place was kinda fancy and had a lot of non Korean dishes that usually lead to people ordering in english with me asking any question in english as well.

As the night continued I noticed a women enter. She seemed to look at me and hold her gaze on me for a few seconds before getting seated. One of the others were talking to her but the other waiter came over and said she requested me. She was seated away from eveyone else in what seemed like her own world.

??: I knew I remembered you.

Y/n: Y-You are...

I never got her name. But I recognised her eyes. Those beautiful eyes of hers.

??: So...are you a trainee yet?

Y/n: Y-Yeah...

??: Really!? That's great to hear. I'm happy. What company?

Y/n: Its a really small one.

??: It doesn't matter tell me.

In truth it was that small it didn't have a songle debuted group. It opened last year and still isn't ready to debut anyone yet.

Y/n: Its called Wonderland Ent...

??: Hmm~ I see. Well do you have to pay bills to be a trainee there?

Y/n: Y-Yes...

??: Is this your only job?

Y/n: No...

??: Would you like me to help you out?

Y/n: W-What?

??: What bills do you need to pay?

Y/n: bills...trans-

??: How much do you need a year to make you stop one of the jobs?

Y/n: A-about seven-

??: Hundred thousand? Seven hundrand thousand won right?

Y/n: Y-Yes...

??: Give me your bank details. I'll send you what you should need monthly.

Y/n: Y-You shouldn-

??: But I'm gonna. Listen to your noona.

Why can't I recognise her. She looks so familiar but why can't I put a name to her face? Its so annoying.

??: I never asked your name did I?

Y/n: N-No noona...

??: So what is it?

Y/n: Y/n...

??: Well then Y/n you should get back to work. Don't worry I wont go back on what I said.


Korean Teacher: Y/n relax a little more when you speak. It will come out easier for you then.

Y/n: Y-Yeah...

Korean Teacher: Is something the matter? You seem stressed today.

Y/n: I-Is it true that next month some trainees will get cut after month examination?

Korean Teacher: I'm not allowed to say Y/n.

Y/n: O-Ok...of course not...

I can't loose this now if that noona found out she would probably kill me. I can't get kicked out the company. Damn it I need to work harder. I can't slack...

Y/n: Do you think I should perform in Korean?

Korean Teacher: Not yet. Pick an english song for this month examination and keep working hard on your Korean.

Y/n: I will.

Korean Teacher: Do you have any more training classes today?

Y/n: Uhh...I don't think so.

Korean Teacher: Then the bsst advice I can give you is to go home and pick a song. Then start working on it straight away.

Y/n: Thank you.

Korean Teacher: Of course. Now lets get back to practicing.

At the end of the month it could be closidered D-Day for me. I can't perform in Korean well yet hell I still can hardly speak it. But I need to perform well...and figure out who the noona that is basically paying for half my life is...

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