C4- Nightmares

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It was around 3:56 A.m. when you shot out of bed due to a nightmare of your death....

I shot up out of bed covered in a cold sweat. "Holy shit.. well might as well go get a drink" I say sorta wanting to cry but keeping it together. As I head downstairs I see Angel at the bar talking to a demon you haven't seen yet. "Hello, I don't believe we've met before" I say to the cat looking demon. "Oh shit, I guess we haven't" he replies back. "My names (Y/N)" I say politely. "My names Husker but please just call me Husk." He replies back. "Well it's wonderful to meet you Husk" I say with a warm smile"Nice to meet you too." "You want a drink?" He asks. "Yeah thats what I came down here for, had a memory of my death" I say laughing a little.

"Well what would you like?" Husk asks. "Maybe a Spirytus Rektyfikowany" I reply. "Jesus Christ I didn't think it was a drink to forget type of night." Husk says kinda shocked.  "Well it's one of my favorites although it has a shit load or alcohol in it." I say back. "Well, dear I didn't expect to see you here at this hour." Alastor says behind you kinda scaring you.

"Jesus Fucking Christ you scared the hell outta me" I say to Alastor who is smirking behind me. "Well, I was bored and decided to come and chat with Husk or anybody at the bar" Alastor replies. "Oh well I was down here because I had a bad dream so I decided to get a drink." I tell him.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry." Alastor says with a sorry smile on his face. "it's alright, happens every now and then" I say with a laugh. "Well, if you ever need to talk then you know where my room is." Alastor says nicely. "Thank you Alastor" I say with a smile. "Of course dear!" Alastor replies back.

After drinking your Spirytus Rektyfikowany

"Alastorrrrrrrr I'm tiredddddd" I say with a slurred voice. "Well dear it seems you drank too much" Alastor says rolling his eyes as he helps you up. "But I don't wanna leaveeeeeeee I like talking to youuuuuuuuuu" I cry to him. "I like talking to you too but you need some rest" Alastor says picking you up bridal style to take you to your room. "So, the strawberry pimp got a little crush?" Angel asks with a smirk. "Would you like me to silence you?" Alastor says looking towards Angel with an evil smile. "Oooh~ Kinky I like it~" Angel replies with a seductive voice

"Yeah no." Alastor says as he starts carrying you to your room. He lays you in your bed as he left your room.


-Ophelia 🖤❤🥀
(497 words)

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