What Goes Around, Comes Around

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Curt was getting fed up with Owen's antics. Ever since he got that- that damn feather, he's been a complete menace. Ever since Owen found out that he is (apparently) rather weak to feathers, he's taken to playing these little mind games where he leaves the feather in different places just for Curt to find. Needless to say, it left him feeling rather jumpy and flustered. And he'd had enough. So when he sat down after a long hard day to crack open a relaxing book, only to see the fluffy plumes of a feather peaking out, he had only one thing on his mind: revenge.

He found Owen in the living room, watching TV and having a cup of tea. He looked up and smirked when he saw Curt in the doorway to their bedroom.

"Ah, I take it you found my present?" he asked smugly, taking a sip.

"Been leaving a lot of "presents" around lately," Curt said, adding air quotes for emphasis. "Haven't you?" he asked with a tilt of his head, walking over to the couch. He idly twirled the feather back and forth between his fingers, causing a chill to run down Owen's spine.

"Just thought you'd appreciate the attention, love," he explained, hoping the pet name could appeal to Curt. He pressed his lips into a thin smile, cocking his head as he sat next to him.

"Well I think you deserve just as much attention," he purred. Owen's lips twitched in a nervous smile as Curt straddled his waist.

"Wait, we can talk about this, right?" he asked, voice already wobbly with nerves. Curt smirked down at him, taking a moment to seemingly think it over.

"Nah." He rolled up his shirt and managed to pin his hands beneath his knees, leaving him open and vulnerable. He brandished the feather with a flourish, much like Owen would do. His eyes went wide and he started squirming before it even touched him.

He didn't bother trying to contain his giggles when the feather touched down. It was nothing Curt hadn't heard before, and it would only be worse in the long run if he tried to hold out. So he gave in quickly, laughing and writhing beneath his boyfriend.

The feather explored his torso, swiping back and forth between his hips before swirling up to his ribs and sweeping over his tummy. He was soon nothing more than a giggly mess.

"So, you gonna back off with the feathers? Or am I gonna have to teach you another lesson?" Curt asked as he slowly flicked the feather over his bellybutton. He shrieked and dissolved into giggles, swatting him away.

"Yehes, okay? Ihihi got ihit!" Owen promised, smile lingering even as Curt pulled away. He adverted his eyes as his smile turned downward ever so slightly. Curt cocked his head, cupping his cheek.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked softly.

"I... didn't actually want you to stop..." Owen admitted in a barely audible mumble. Oh, but Curt heard it. A smile overtook his features.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Oh sod off, I'm not saying it again!" Owen whined. Luckily, he didn't have to.

"You're lucky I have excellent hearing," he bragged, even as he started tracing the feather over his skin once more. Owen gasped and shivered, bright laughter flowing past his lips.

It was a long night, but neither of them would have it any other way.

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