chapter seven

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Chapter 7


The library buzzes with a headache inducing hum as students pour over notes frantically studying for their looming exams. Even Elijah has his nose buried deep in a study book, not paying Milly her usual compliment.

Milly rubs her tired eyes and stretches with a groan, tipping her chair back. "I hate exams," Milly announces to no one in particular. "Don't these teachers know we have better things to do than study vigorously for their silly tests?"

Elijah grunts without looking up to zoned in to waste energy chatting. Even Alice is an exam zombie, beside her own usually grumpy brother who hasn't scowled in hours, he's so focused.

Sighing, Milly flicks through some flashcards without retaining a word. Guess I will have to hit the book properly tonight rather than daydreaming if I don't want to fail. At least afterwards we will be free from this madness for a bit.

The usual cacophony greets us as Milly and her brother walk in the front door – Mother shrieking, father yelling back venomous insults that could curdle milk. Milly winces and hurries upstairs to block it out.

Sprawled on her bed with flashcards, Milly tries to focus but their parents' chaos echoes too loudly. After an hour, headache pounding, Milly gives up and begins to pace her room in frustration. Why can't they grant us just a shred of peace when its most needed!? Milly thinks in her mind annoyed.

As if on cue, a shattering crash sounds from below followed by an eerie silence. Milly walks out of her room her brother also walking out of his room as they exchange worried glances running downstairs hurriedly.

In the kitchen lies their mother unconscious amid broken glass, bottle spilled from her limp hand. Their father gone as usual. Milly's anger boils over seeing her mother this way once again.

"When will it end!?" Milly screams at no one, slamming her fist into the wall until her knuckles start to show a thick red liquid...blood. Sabastian carries their mother upstairs, face like stone. Milly's mind starts to race knowing all home will ever be is a prison if this keeps going.

Adrenaline and rage pound through her veins as she stalks through the almost empty house searching for her father. When Milly spots him relaxing with a drink like nothing's wrong, Milly's anger finally bursts.

"How could you?" Milly screams, marching up to tower over his lounging form. Her hands ball into shaking fists, her father looks up at her with bored irritation, as if she's nothing more than an ant interrupting his leisure. "What now?" He drawls.

That utter dismissal is the last straw. All the years of bottled-up anger and hurt come rocketing out of her in a blinding right hook square to his smug face.

The crack of impact is deafeningly sweet. Her father cries out, hand flying to clutch his bleeding nose. Milly pants, her whole-body trembling while he gasps in outraged shock.

"Next time you lay a hand on my mother it'll be more than your face," Milly seethes through gritted teeth. She then turns on her heel, bolting from the scene before he can retaliate, fist still throbbing.

Milly storms up the stairs and to her mothers' room as she looks in Milly can see her mother sitting up blearily, no doubt nursing a hefty hangover on top of her injuries.

She looks at Sabastian who's standing next to their mothers' bed not fully trusting her yet. "Go downstairs and call 000." Milly says to him ready for this to be over and for the monster, the man who's poisoning their family's peace and happiness to be gone.

Sabastian looks at Milly as if making sure that she is sure without saying anything, without a word he walks downstairs.

Milly looks at her mother as her eyes softens seeing her mother in a frail and vulnerable state. Milly passes her mother an ice pack wrapped in a towel.

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