Where Do I Know You From?

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I hate late clients," I muttered under my breath, my gaze still fixed on my pink smartwatch, which now displayed that my new potential client was a frustrating thirty minutes behind schedule. Time equated to money, and I had no qualms about billing them for their tardiness.

My office was a model of organized chaos. Legal textbooks lined the shelves, their spines perfectly aligned. A stack of case files stood tall on one corner of my desk, each representing a different client and their unique legal battles.

The walls were adorned with diplomas and certificates, testaments to my expertise in the field. Sunlight streamed in through the window, casting a warm glow on the leather of my chair.

Sighing, I returned to the open case file on my cluttered desk. It was a disturbing one: assault and battery involving two men.

I flipped through the police report, my fingers tracing the stark, black ink of the harsh words on the crisp white page. The tension in the room was palpable as I delved into the details, my mind already calculating the best approach to defend my client.

The comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted from a nearby corner, where a small, steaming pot sat atop a dainty table adorned with mismatched mugs. Each cup had its own story to tell, adding to the eclectic atmosphere of the room.

My trusty laptop was open, displaying legal research and notes I had meticulously gathered to prepare for this meeting. The low hum of the air conditioner provided a constant background noise, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere that often permeated my office.

I've never heard of my client and refused to prejudge my clients by conducting a quick Google search.

Every case was unique to me, and every client deserved my full attention and a fair chance at justice.

Finally, my office door creaked open, and he sauntered in, like a man carrying a subtle, electric blue aura around him. The room seemed to shift with his presence, as if it had been waiting for this moment. My eyes narrowed at the sight of the newcomer.

I observed him meticulously, taking in every detail, from the faded metal band t-shirt that clung to his well-defined chest to the artfully ripped dark blue skinny jeans that accentuated his lean frame.

My office, usually a bastion of order and professionalism, felt suddenly charged with an inexplicable energy. The legal textbooks and diplomas on the shelves bore witness to countless cases, but none had created such an electrifying atmosphere.

"Ms. Williams," he said smoothly, his voice carrying a casual charm that seemed at odds with the gravity of the situation. He extended his hand towards me, and I felt a magnetic pull that drew me closer. A confident smile played on his lips as he introduced himself.

"I apologize for my lateness. My personal driver took the long way."

As I stood up to meet him, I couldn't help but notice the unusual warmth that radiated from his hand when we shook. An electric charge passed between us, sending a shiver down my spine. Our hands remained connected, and our eyes locked in a timeless gaze.

For a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us suspended in the shared intensity of the moment.

"It's okay," I replied, my voice softer now, a hint of something unspoken lingering in the air. The seconds stretched as we held each other's gaze, our connection defying explanation.

Gregory, still holding my hand, furrowed his brow. "Umm, do I know you?" he asked, a glimmer of recognition in his eyes.

I couldn't find the words to answer. In that moment, our connection felt like a magnetic force, drawing us together in a way that defied explanation. It was a sensation neither of us could ignore, and as we stood there, hand in hand, the world outside my office seemed to blur into insignificance.

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