Sights Stay Clear - Chp [2]

45 0 4

Dominian Scout: "OH FU-!"



He got hit by a direct artillery shell.

It exploded his body, his organs blasted across the snow bed.

His body parts just.

Exploded into blood.

The blood trail left from the impact.

It even got on my face.



Dominian Soldier: "RUN! I SAID RU-"

another one.

It fired at the hill with all the injured soldiers.

All the survivors are frantically running away from the position, falling back

Explosions left and right

Hailes Zao fled back and got his brother to come with him

They ran.

We ran as fast as I could until i fell off a small cliff and hit my head 'Oof!"




Ringing sound


I wake up gasping for air and look around
'I-... W-What...?' Its my house

'I... Was it all a bad dream...?' Han Zao opens my door "Oh well would you look at that mr sleepy head is awake already!"


Han Zao looks at me worried
Han Zao: "W-What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare again...?

I hyperventilate trying to calm myself down

Han Zao comes closer sitting at the edge of the bed with me in my bed
Han Zao: "Calm down... It's just a bad dream... Its just your brain... I'll get your medication"

My brother just walks out of my bedroom and I stare at all my belongings...

Was it really a bad dream?


He comes back but with my "medication" and a glass of water

Han Zao: "Here... with some water too"

He pats me on my back

I take the cup water and drink it with the medication...

I don't remember anything...

What medication am i taking...

I don't remember...

Han Zao: "I'll be downstairs... Oh and breakfast is ready too"

He heads out of my room

I stare at the ceiling for a bit before reluctantly getting up and going downstairs

Han Zao: "Hey are you all good bro?"

I scratch the back of my head a bit 'Y-Yeah... I'm fine... Just a bad dream again..."

Han Zao: "What was the dream about?"

'D-Do you really want to know? I-Its a bit gruesome...'

Han Sao: "Hmm... I'm sure ill be fine slight chuckle"

I take a deep breath and sit on the chair at the dinner table 'Well... I'll start at the beginning...'

(15 minutes later)

He looks a bit petrified
Han Zao: "O-Oh wow that is a nightmare... You must be really glad its only in your head right now don't you..."

i chuckle a bit 'Yeaaaah' I take the bread and start munching on it

Han Zao thinks to himself for a bit
Han Zao: "Do you want to take a break Hailes? Like... To the beach or something?

I think to myself for a while 'Hmm... Nah... Im a bit too lazy'

Han Zao laughs a bit
Han Zao: "Honestly I expected that haha"

I continue eating the bread 'I wanna ask.'

Han Zao: "Yeah?"

'What's the medication?'

Han Zao stays silent, something's wrong

I become a bit nervous as i continue asking
'Bro?, Han Zao?... W-What's the medication for...?'

Han Zao still stays quiet and stares at me dead serious.

I feel very off and but realise this is probably one of his pranks 'Bro stop playing around...'

Han Zao does nothing and continues staring and I get more nervous and It feels like everything is fading away and I can't even get up from my seat.

Han Zao: "Hailes... Can you hear me Hailes? Hailes"

He started calling out my ne and each time getting louder and louder 'Uhmmm... I-'


I gasp waking up feeling a lot of pain on my head... 'W-What happened...?'

I look around and it's the familiar snowy winter...

Han Zao is looking at me worried
Han Zao: "Oh thank god... wipes sweat off of forehead I... Thank god your awake..."

Oh man... My head really hurts...

I put my hand over my head feeling the pain 'Ouh- Ow...'

Han Zao: "D-Don't worry... It's only a bit of pain, nothing more... Hopefully..."

I look at my brother 'T-Thanks bro..."

Han Zao: "It's okay... Im here... We're here"

we hug each other for a bit and a few tears roll down my eyes

'Y-You know i had a very weird dream...'

Han Zao: "Oh really...? Could you tell me about it?"

'Actually wait' i pinch myself to make sure this is real and it is 'Ok so basically at the start...'

(blarghhh im not gonna copy and paste that all here)

Han Zao: "Oh wow... That almost reminds me of the movie we watched together, Inception"

'Hmmm... Yeah it does... heheh chuckling a bit'

I look around and see a small squadron of  3 Dominian Soldiers and probably a Guesan field medic wearing a beanie starting a campfire behind a mountain but in view of us

'What now?'


Hi ya irs me again, i would still like some feedback, criticism and or corrections cause its 10:30 pm as im writing this and im very tired

I still don't even know who or what is gonna stumble upon this and think "HMMM THIS LOOKS LIKE A GOOD ONE TO READ"


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