Chapter 3

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After classes, the only thing I needed was to be in my peaceful place. A place most people don't know that I love. In fact most people don't even know that this place exists, I was lucky to find the spot.

"I figured I'd find you here." The voice of my sister said as I looked up from the small hole I was digging, "What are you up to?"

"Planting tulips..." I replied as she sat down next to me on the grassy spot by the lake, "Are you okay? Defense Against the Dark Arts was interesting today..."

"Actually that's why I came down here, I wanted to make sure that you were okay... I don't see you shed tears very often." Hermione whispered as I started planting my seeds, "Why tulips?"

"Their moms favorites." I answered as I started to push the dirt back into place, "But you wouldn't know that... you're just always the favorite and don't need to know anything."

"Why are you planting tulips then? She's not here she won't see them." Hermione said with a tone of annoyance in her voice.

I frown and stopped right before I was going to water the dirt, "I was going to send them to mom and dad for their anniversary."

I marked the spot where I planted my tulips, when it started raining. Hermione took off running but I just smiled and looked up at the dark sky. The rain was always so refreshing, it was something I always loved.

I felt arms wrap around my waist making me scream as I was picked up from off the ground. Although I knew exactly who it was.

"You're going to get hypothermia." Cedric says as he starts to carry me inside and I groan.

"I'm not going to get hypothermia, it's just a little bit of rain." I reply as we get inside and he sets me down, my breath heavy slightly from the cold weather.

The cold air always made it harder for me to breathe. Luckily I got an inhaler for that back when my parents actually cared about me. I pulled my inhaler out and took a puff before putting it back in my bag and looping my arm through Cedric's.

"You seem down, is everything okay?" Cedric asks as we start walking towards the great hall, which was turned into a room for students to watch those who are putting their names in the so called Goblet Of Fire.

"Yeah, Defense Against the Dark Arts was just different..." I replied playing with the necklace around my neck, almost as a nervous defense.

"Different how? I mean Moody is a freak but... you okay?" Cedric asked noticing the look on my face, "You seem off today."

"Right, because being quite, and being angry at my sister is so different." I reply rolling my eyes as Cedric let's out a small chuckle.

"Touché." Cedric says looking down at me, "But I mean more of why did Malfoy follow you outside after classes."

"He didn't follow me outside, I was alone..." I whisper but now that I think about it, it did feel like I was being followed.

"Yeah, he did." Cedric replied, "He followed you all the way to your private garden, but when he saw you crying he just... disappeared?"

"Right..." I mumbled, that sounds like Draco.

"He seemed worried, and that's what I mean by things seem different today. Malfoy seemed worried about you." Cedric mentioned as I scoffed.

"Honestly Cedric, I think you're out of your god damn mind. We both know there is one person, and one person only that cares about me at this point." I muttered, quiet enough even he had a hard time hearing it.

"Well if you want to talk about what happened... and why Malfoy might possibly be worried about you, I'm here." Cedric says as I nod and lean my head against his shoulder as we continue to walk in silence.

There was something so comforting about being in silence with your best friend. With the one person who seems to care about you. It's a strange feeling, but it was my favorite feeling. I hate awkward silences, so why did I like this silence so much? I've lived in silence practically my whole life, I never liked talking to very many people.

Very weird.

All Mine // Draco MalfoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora