Prologue: Our Origin

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Izika POV

It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was shining and not a dark cloud was seen among the blue sky.

"Okay, kids, you two stay here and don't go wandering off on your own, okay?" Mom said after we arrived at the park.

Mom had some errands to run, so she took my twin brother Izuku and I to the park to play.

"We won't, Mom." Izuku told her.

"We'll catch you later, Mom." I said, waving at her.

"Have fun!" Mom said as she walked away from us.

After she left, we decided to play Heroes and Villains. While we were playing though, we heard somebody crying not too far from where we were.

"Do you hear that?" Izuku asked as we stopped playing and looked around, trying to find the person that was crying.

"Yeah, but where is it coming from?" I asked.

Finally, we saw one of the boys from our kindergarten class on his hands and knees. He was holding his stomach as he cried.

"It's Naoyuki Minegishi." I said, pointing to him.

"He's hurt, but who's causing it?" Izuku asked.

I then noticed Katsuki and his friends, Tsubasa and Mitsuhiro standing in front of Naoyuki.

"Looks like Katsuki and his friends are at it again." I said, pointing to Katsuki and his friends.

Izuku sees them, fear building up in his eyes.

But fear wasn't the only look he had.

From looking at his face, I knew right away what he was about to do.

"Izuku..." I stared to say.

Suddenly, Izuku takes off running toward Katsuki and his group.

"Brother!" I said, running after him.

"Stop it, Ka-chan!" Izuku yelled, getting the boys attention.

He stopped in front of Naoyuki and stared down Katsuki and his friends, his body trembling hard as he gripped his shorts. I stop behind him and bend down to wrap the crying boy in my arms.

"Why are you being so mean? You're making him cry, Ka-chan?" Izuku asked as tears began to build up in his eyes even more.

He shakily holds up his fists and said, "If you keep on hurting him... uh... I'll uh..."

He squeezes his eyes shut and says loudly, "I'll stop you myself!"

I smiled, feeling proud of Izuku for standing up to Katsuki. Normally, he's following the hot head baka around like a lost, scared puppy dog. He rarely ever stands up to him.

Katsuki and his friends stare at Izuku, a little stunned for words, then Katsuki smiles and closes his eyes.

Oh no, this isn't going to be good. I thought, knowing what was about to happen next.

"You wanna pretend to be a hero?" Katsuki asked as Tsubasa and Mitsuhiro began to activate their quirks.

Katsuki raises his hands and punches his left hand, letting off an explosion.

"You don't stand a chance without a Quirk, Deku." Katsuki said, looking up at my twin brother and smiling at him.

Izuku steps back and gasps as the three boys lunge at my brother, Katsuki landing the first punch. I stayed back at first, hoping that Izuku would fight back against Katsuki, despite being Quirkless. When I realized that he wasn't going to fight back, I activated my Quirk and created a fire wall surrounding us and pushing Katsuki and his friends back.

"That's enough, Katsuki." I said, taking down the wall and stepping in front of my brother and Naoyuki.

Katsuki makes a "Tch" sound and turns to walk away from us.

"Whatever, that Quirkless loser is not worth my time. Come on guys, let's get out of here." Katsuki said.

He and the other boys walk away from us as I turn to look at the boys.

"Are you okay?" I asked Naoyuki.

He nods, but still continues crying. I bend down in front of Izuku and look at him.

"Izuku, you okay?" I asked.

He doesn't answer me. He just looks up at the sky, defeated.

Here's the sad truth: All men are not created equal.

When we were four years old, we learned that some kids had more power than others.

But that won't hold Izuku back.

If anything, it pushes him to do better.

To become the one thing he dreams of the most.

To become a hero.

We are the Midoriya Twins, and this is our story.

Me: And that is the end of the prologue!

Izika: We hope all of you enjoyed the prologue!

Izuku: Make sure to stay tune for Chapter 1, where the beginning of our hero journey will begin.

Me: Until then, stay Royal!

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