Chapter 1: Hero's Encounter

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Izika POV

"Izuku! Izika! It's time to wake up." Mom said.

I open my eyes and yawn, sitting up in my bed slowly. I stretch my arms over my head and look over at the calendar.

April 1st.

The first day of school.

"Last year of middle school. Let's get it over with." I said as I push the blankets back and stand up.

I walk over to my closet and pull out my school uniform. I change out of my pajamas and into my school uniform: A white long sleeved sailor shirt, a black blazer, a black skirt, and white socks. I tie on a red tie around the collar of my shirt and pick up my hairbrush, brushing my messy dark green hair. After I finish brushing my hair, I pull them into two low pigtails.

"Looks like I'm ready." I said.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door.

"Sis, you ready? Breakfast is done." I heard my twin brother ask.

I walk over to the door and open it, saying, "Yep."

He smiles as I walk out of my room and follow Izuku into the kitchen, where Mom was setting plates down onto the table.

"Morning, Mom." Izuku and I said as we sat down at the table.

"Good morning, kids. You excited about your last year of middle school?" Mom asked as she sat down and ate with us.

Izuku and I look at each other uneasily, then back at Mom.

"Yeah, kind of. It's just another middle school year." Izuku said.

"I'm just not looking forward to having to deal with our classmates bullying Izuku again, especially Katsuki." I said as I took a bite of my eggs.

"Well, maybe this year will be better. I mean, you two are officially one year away from entering high school." Mom pointed out.

"That is true." I said.

As we finished our breakfast, a news story came on the TV about a villain attack in town. Izuku and I look at each other and smile, instantly thinking the same thing. We finish our food and put our plates in the sink. We run back to our rooms, grab our bags and hero notebooks, and run to the front door.

"Leaving already?" Mom asked as she watched us struggle to get our shoes on.

"We want to make sure we get to school on time." I told her as I put my shoes on.

"We'll see you later, Mom!" Izuku said as he opened the front door.

"Have a good first day, kids. And be careful on the way to school and home! I love you!" Mom said as I followed Izuku out the door.

"Love you too, Mom! See ya later!" Izuku and I said in unison as we closed the door behind us.

"Let's go!" I said as we ran down the steps and onto the sidewalk.

We then took off running down the street, stepping on puddles that were formed by the rain the night before. We came across a crosswalk and saw people waiting for the light to turn green. We jogged in place, trying to wait patiently for us to get the green light.

As soon as the light turned green, we ran across the street and onto the other side. As we ran down the sidewalk, I notice that we were getting closer to the sight of the villain attack.

"Up ahead, Izuku! We're almost there!" I yelled.

Izuku looks up as his face beams at the sight. We picked up the pace and saw a giant villain standing on the train line at the Tatooin Station. He roared loudly as we approach the crowd below, stopping and looking up at this monstrous villain.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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