The Prologue

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The Cycle was coming to an end soon, but Pebbles knew that he still had time.
He and his sister, nicknamed Moon, were travelling alone through the outskirts looking for a new shelter.
She kept insisting that there was one nearby, but they never found one.
"Moon, this is getting ridiculous, we're going to get swept up by the wind!" He hissed as the two travelled through a pipe to the next room.
"You're so silly, we'll make it," she replied calmly, placing a paw on his shoulder before crouching down in the dust-grey grass to leap. She arched her back before leaping forwards and clinging onto a horizontal pole.

Pebbles, sometimes referred to as The Rotting, was a small pink Slugcat with yellow dapples adorning his pelt, around his neck he wore a small, orange bandana. He had the ability to hold many more things than a Slugcat usually could. It wasn't that helpful, it only was when Moon found some pretty pearls and rocks to read late at night when the wind was still whirling outside of the small, compact rooms known as Shelters.
Moon, sometimes referred to as The Astronomer, was a larger blue Slugcat with a red spot on her forehead and white and green freckles on her thin tail, on her neck she wore a torn up bandana that was white and green.
She was great at finding her way around, reading pearls, and swimming, and she claimed to have a special connection with the stars and moon. But he wasn't sure what was up with that.

Pebbles leapt and landed on the pole.
"Moon, how many rooms away is the next Shelter?"
The blue Slugcat looked up at the sky and sniffed before replying, "7, do you think you're up to that?"
"Well, I have to be, I don't want to die."
"I sense a lot of dangers."
"Like what?"
"I sense..."
She sniffed at the air again, this time in the direction of the next room.
"Noodleflies and lizards, and one centipede."

She began to walk across the long pole, confidently placing one slimy paw in front of the other.
He did the same, until he found himself perfectly in sync with his sister, her slimy paws and his fluffy paws met and departed from the ground at the same time. The two walked rhythmically in silence for awhile. The pole didn't seem to end. He could see a platform and a tunnel in the distance, but there was still much room between the exit and him.
A small wind began to pick up and Pebbles tried to walk faster.
"Hey, be careful!"
The wind began to pick up both speed and strength as Pebbles tried to walk faster.
"Move! Move!" He hissed.
"Slow down!"
"Speed up!"

Moon, you insufferable train lizard.

Suddenly, Pebbles was swept up by the powerful winds and thrown off the pole and into the air.
Moon didn't notice that he was gone until he had yelled to her, "MOON! RUN!"
The blue Slugcat whirled around and stared at him with her large, empty black eyes.
When a Cycle neared its end within the Outskirts, the sky became painted with beautiful pinks, yellows, and oranges more beautiful than Shoreline. There was only one downside, Pebbles was the exact same colour as the sky at this time, so finding him amongst the other debris that the wind swept up would be a difficult task.
Moon clung to the pole, arching her back and focusing on one of the many poles that had been ripped from the ground by the sudden wind.
His calls were drowned out by the loud (and irritating) gusts of wind that surrounded him as the wind carried him at top speeds away from the Outskirts.

Moon sprung into the air, utilising the usually frustrating and useless wind to leap from pole to pole. She knew falling off one of the poles would result in losing mobility and becoming stranded in the air, at the mercy of the wind. She slowly approached Pebble, who was searching his inventory for something that would aid him.
"Pebbles! Hold on!"
His sister landed in front of him on a large block of soil and debris.
Found it.
He had been carrying a Grapple Worm ever since the two had traversed through Chimney Canopy, the place that taught them that falling was more painful than they had thought.

He coughed up the small blue and black striped worm onto his paw, as Slugcats do. It was pretty gross, but he didn't have the time to worry about something as trivial as that. He fumbled with the little tube-like worm and flipped it over until he found the grooves in the shell where he was supposed to place his paws.
He reached towards the nearest piece of flotsam: a small chunk of a metal structure like the kinds that you could find in Industrial Complex and Outskirts.
Moon tried to call out to him, but the wind roared louder than any creature could possibly yell, drowning out her voice.
Pebbles flicked the Grapple Worm's shell, causing a long pink tongue to shoot out of the other end and attach itself to the large metal chunk.
"Pebbles, wait!" Moon screeched at the top of her lungs, her shrill voice making him wince. He flattened his ears against his head and glared at his sister, who was reaching out to him.
"The Grapple Worm! Stop!" She screeched again.

Pebbles looked down at the Grapple Worm.
I don't see anything wrong with it..?
Moon, you delusional piece of monster kelp, why don't you explain a little more-
His thoughts were interrupted when he was thrown forwards by the Grapple Worm, sending him flying into the metal chunk.
His head hit the metal with a loud and painful CLANK!
Moon screamed something, but he couldn't tell what she was saying as he slowly lost consciousness.

A new Cycle is unfolding, one we don't need to be part of.

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