Subterranean, Cycle 1

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Pebbles was woken up by an odd stinging feeling. It could've been hunger or thirst, or some injuries from the last wind storm. His entire body ached, and whenever he moved pain rippled through his entire body.
There was a piece of garbage stuck in a deep wound located on his shoulder. It hurt more than words or wawas could explain.
He was lying in a pool of blood so deep he could drown a scavenger in it.

He stood up. His scattered and frantic breaths filled the dimly lit corridor. He felt light headed and weak. But most of all, he felt empty.
The animalistic urge to scavenge for food returned to him as he began down the long, tight hallway.
Neon plasma lights built by long-gone civilizations flickered on and off, their beautifully ominous orange glow filling the tunnel for seconds at a time.
Scattered throughout the tunnel were shallow puddles of water-like black liquid. He stopped to look into one.
His face was scratched up, probably from when he collided with the chunk of metal earlier.

Pebbles couldn't help but look away. He was pathetic. He was pathetic for trying that stupid trick with the Grapple Worm, he was pathetic for not waiting for Moon to do whatever she was going to do.

As he continued through the tunnel, he couldn't help but feel emptier than ever.
Not only because he hadn't eaten in the past one or two Cycles.
It was because Moon was gone.
Memories and thoughts swirled in his head like the wind that started this all.

Pebbles entered a pipe to travel to the next room. Travelling via pipe was convenient but uncomfortable. The feeling of not being able to move freely or stretch, the feeling of your stomach and back rubbing against the walls of the pipe, and the knowledge that at any moment you could run into a predator just rubbed him the wrong way.
He quickly crawled through the pipe, jumping and shaking his fur to get all of the dust out of his pelt.
I probably need to wash my fur.

On the walls were many neon signs that spelled out something in the ancient language.
If Moon was there, he would've translated the characters and talked about them with her, as she was the only Slugcat he knew that would listen.
But she wasn't, so he didn't take the time to translate the bright orange characters.

He continued through the next few rooms, and there was nothing to eat.

Maybe I can go this Cycle without eating..? Well, I need a shelter first. I'm most likely going to find some blue fruit before I find a shelter, though.

He entered the next room, and the first thing he noticed was the sugary sweet scent of Bubble Fruit and the sound of rushing water.
Driven by the scent of food, his walk quickly became a run. He kicked rocks and debris aside, placing his front paws on the floor and pacing his steps to increase his running speed. He bounced through the pipe to the next room. By the time he arrived at his destination, he was out of breath.

Pebbles dusted himself off but paused,
I can wash in the water. Phew.

He couldn't wait to get the dried blood out of his pelt.

Hmm.. but this is Subterranean.. There's Leviathans in the water.
I'll just stay in the shallow end.

Pebbles bounded up to a clump of 8 long, blue stalks. The stalks were long and tall and bent at the end to face the ground. On the ends were dry, wrinkly little black and blue fruits. They looked like they would taste disgusting, and actually, they did. Well they did in this state.
They tasted dry and the texture was extremely unpleasant, like sandpaper.
Making them into the deliciously sweet and gummy-like fruits that we all know is actually really easy, if you know how to.
He grabbed all eight of the dry little fruits, they felt rough and clung to his fur like little spiky plants in the breeze.
He carefully waded into the pool of water, checking around for spears, debris, or jellyfish he might accidentally step on (and definitely regret.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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