5 Years Ago - Let There Be Light

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 The past that is shared between us

Wallter was on the crouch, reading some kind of a classic book. Along side with a cup of refreshing tea. With his wedding ring shining from the glare of the window. 

It was quite early in the morning. Most days Wallter would take early walks, after that, he would come back to home to help get his husband be ready for his work. 

But today is where Mark takes a day off. Wallter lets him sleep off. He already took his early walk, now waiting for his lover as he drinks his tea.

With each page he took, was each time that was taken by each 5 minutes. And by the time the book was almost finish, by for 2 hours. A door finally squeaks open. 

Wallter already finished his tea, puts his bookmark on his latest chapter. He claps it close, placing his book on the coffee table. 

"Good morning, Mark" Wallter turns around to look at him hoping to the crouch.

"Morning, Walt" Once near the crouch, Mark sat down next to him to readjust his standing stool again. "Where should we go to eat in?" Wallter leans into the crouch and closer to Mark with those lovely eyes. Mark chuckles a bit when he stares into Wallter's eyes. 

Just then, the lamp behind them went off. And now the room is dark.

"Meatballs?" Mark asks

"Sure, meatballs"

As the regretevator's doors open for them, they went inside of rokea. They both held each other's hands as they wander around the place for they need to seek another new lamp.


"Dis one, Walt?"

"hmm. Too short"


"How about this one, my love?"

"Eh, too tall"


"how bout that one?"

"I don't believe that's an lamp, Mark.."


After searching for every lamp, they still couldn't find the right one. As they were about to give up, Wallter found an interesting lamp in the distance view. 

Walking up to it, the lamp Wallter found, looked the most best of all lamps. At this point, Mark doesn't give a damn anymore, anything will just work. So in the end, they both agree to get it.

They both reach to the cashier check out, with Wallter carrying the lamp, but only for the room to be...empty. 

Either way, they walk up to the check up machine. Mark tries to find the scanner on the lamp, only to find out that...there wasnt anything for that lamp that could let it be found as 'brought' on the machine. 

So do you know what they did next?

They ate meatballs for their breakfast.

They went inside of the regretevator with  the lamp. Though Wallter was an gentleman, being very kind enough to put cash on that check out machine.

Our dear Lampert - RegretevatorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant