Chapter 15

15 0 5

*5 months later*

"God help me. I forgot how to cook..." Silas said, spitting out the burnt toast and throwing plate and all in the trash bin.

He walked over to the couch and sat down, folding his hands and looking out the window.

"I really could use some food, you know!" he screamed randomly, throwing a glass vase on the floor.

The living room and kitchen were trashed from his little bursts of rage. He couldn't cope with the loneliness, the emptiness. Even before she had lived here, at least he could go and stalk her for all the day.

He moved through the rubble of torn book pages, glass shards, and empty alcohol bottles and went outside, breathing in the humid air that was accumulating in the outdoors.

"I wish I could see you one last time..." Silas sighed as he leaned against a tree.

For a moment, he thought, contemplating what he'd do today, then the idea sprang up in his head.

"Silas, what now? Going insane?" he said to himself. Truth be truth, it wasn't exactly a lie and well, he considered this idea a lot better than ones in his past.

All of a sudden, it was like those little shoulder guys popped up and Silas began having second thoughts. Before his common sense could get the better of him, he found a somewhat full liquor bottle and took a swig, threw it at the wall, and headed towards his destination.

This might just be a chance to see her again.


How's it going, guys? Well, this is the end. How horrible am I? Very? Well, I somewhat regret killing characters off, but, hey, gottah do what I gottah do, correct? I don't believe in happy endings, so, I didn't put one in this series. BUT! The news you've all been waiting for has arrived, here, now, fresh. There's gonnah be a second series, much like how a television show has seasons, you know? Keep in touch, have fun, and check it out when you get the chance! I'll leave a message on my message board for you! :)

Yours in eternity~ Lacy and Silas

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 27, 2013 ⏰

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