Chapter 14

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The sweet scent coming from Iris was enough to drown the foul smell of beer and smoke coming from the people near me in the bar. I liked it.

I wobbled on the stool and she grabbed me by the shoulders before I fell. The LED lights highlighted her facial features such that I could aee everything clearly, from the plush lips to the long lashes that fluttered every time she blinked.


"Why did you have to drink so much?" Iris asked in the concern-filled voice that had made the engines of my heart turn again.

It was the oil to my rusty gears, and she knew it. I had told her not long ago, and I was still waiting for my answer.

"It's because you have been ignoring me," I mumbled stupidly. "Do you hate me now that you know I like you?"

"No, I don't hate you, Lucas".

"Then why did you tell me to back away at the office?".

I was sure my voice sounded dragged and boring, and I silently cursed myself for drinking till I was this tipsy.

I need water.

"I wasn't avoiding you...something had just happened," Iris mumbled, a slight pink blush highlighting her face as if she was embarrassed.

"What happened?" I asked extending my hand towards the bottle of water on the far corner of the table and failing altogether.

My hand fell on Iris's lap and I immediately tried to pull it away, but she grabbed it.

"Here, let me help you," she offered and adjusted me so that I leaned on the large sofa before taking the water bottle and helping me drink.

After feeling a bit refreshed I turned my attention back to her.


She blushed again.


She bit her lip and it took to making a large luscious kissable curve, before being released by her upper teeth and going back to its normal plumpy posture that made the full lips bounce back in position, I swallowed. Damn her for making my heart skip with just her looks.

Following the inviting lip bite, Iris took her thumb and started nibbling at the nail.


I grabbed her hand and put it back on her lap before leaning close to her.

"If you feel uncomfortable just tell me, I won't bite," I whispered in her ear.

Another blush hit her face, a more prominent one making her look red even for my tipsy view and I smiled.

I made her do that.

"Lucas... I'm sorry," she suddenly said buying my attention with that simple statement.

"Why are you sorry, Iris?"

"I can't give you the answer you want...not now".

"Then when?" I said managing to let the words out this time.

She tried to raise her thumb to her mouth but I stopped her midway.

"If you do that again, I'll kiss you" I whispered and she immediately stopped.

I felt good that I had managed to stop her from biting her nails, but I also felt sad because her immediately stopping probably meant that she didn't want to be kissed by me. Right?

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