_ (Not Anymore)

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Hope everyone read the tags before continuing. I know I was a little bit late to post it here but please pay no mind to it. This my first time writing a story in this way, so hope you enjoy it. And if there's points, I could improve, I encourage you to point it out.


Seungmin liked to believe this was normal. That there was nothing wrong with what's happening, what had happened. But no matter how much he wanted to it would never be normal.

There was nothing normal about the blood that was dripping down his arm, nothing normal about the small scars that were marking his pale skin, created so carefully that no one would notice unless you squinted at it. Unless you give them special attention. And everyone was so consumed in their own thing that nobody noticed anything and didn't pay attention to him.

Seungmin was fine with it. Really, he was, but it gets too much at times and it's hard not to give into old habits. So that's the reason he found himself hidden in their dorm bathroom with blood, small scars covering his arms, stomach or legs. He once almost contemplated scaring his chest but decided against it at the last moment.

The dorm bathroom wasn't the most convenient place to go on about his endeavors, it was risky. He could get caught or his bandmates could get suspicious as to why he spent so much time in here sometimes. Seungmin didn't want to admit it but a part of him wished that his members would catch him, get suspicious even, he had even dropped few subtle hints to see whether they'd notice but it was never successful. None of them noticed. Maybe that's why he chose the bathroom despite the risks. Nobody cared enough to notice anything.

Even after wanting his members to notice, Seungmin always made sure he was careful of the scars, of the dark circles that are slowly becoming more permanent beneath his eyes, made sure that none of his bandmates, staff or his fans noticed anything different about him. He always kept it professional in front of the camera, until he was surrounded by the comfort of his bedroom.

It was quite comforting in a way, to pretend in front of the camera that everything was fine, that there's nothing wrong with him. That his reality is just a part of a nightmare he gets up from in morning, something that he shouldn't worry about because this is his reality. Smiling, joking and bantering on and off screen is his reality, not what goes after he's back in his room.

It's nice to bask in the momentary happiness he gets with the members during their group or unit schedules. To pretend that there could still be a chance that at least one of the other seven would pay attention to him, care for him to notice, notice that in reality Seungmin was not fine.

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