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"'d it go with that Thomas?" Dawn asked apprehensively.

I sighed, shifting the phone against my shoulder as I repositioned myself on the sofa.

"I mean, about as well as it could go considering the bastard cheated on me." I growled out, stabbing into the pint of ice cream sitting in my lap.

"We'll if makes you feel any better, Becky and I never liked him."

"That's because you and Becky think I should date a woman!"  I huffed, shoving a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"I mean, yes but, c'mon Case, he sucked. I mean, the man didn't even pay for his own meal!"

Dawn had a point there. Thomas rarely if ever paid for anything, seeing as I was the "successful," one in the relationship.

"It still sucks though." I mumbled through a mouth-full of Ben and Jerry's.

"I know girly. I'm sorry. I wish we could help."

I had to fight to keep from sobbing, and potentially choking to death on mint chocolate chip ice-cream.

"What am I going to do Dawn?! I'm almost thirty for fucks sake! Everyone we know is either married, getting married, or having kids!" I wailed into the phone.

"First of all, you're 28 babes calm down. Second, you are a hot, young, educated, successful novelist. You don't need anyone!" Dawn chanted, trying to comfort me.

"I know I don't need anyone Dawn," I whined, "but I want someone goddamnit!"

I hated how pathetic I sounded but I was so tired of dating and shitty relationships.

"I know babes," she sighed, warily. "And you'll find someone who's deserving of your love-"

"No," I said stoically, wiping the tears from my face. "I'm done. No more dating. No more relationships, none of it." I snapped, my resolve steeling into place.

"Totally understandable. You know Becky and I are here for you if you need anything-"

"Yeah! We gotchyou Casey! Fuck that bastard!" Becky yelled from somewhere in the background.

"Thanks Becky." I chuckled.

"So... does this mean I get my gym buddy back?" Dawn asked hesitantly.

It was my routine post break-up solution, distracting myself by going to the gym in order to feel a completely different kind of pain.

"You better be ready to wake up early bitch, because this time we're going hard." I said, before stuffing another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"That's our girl!" Becky and Dawn cheered through the phone.

"Thanks you two. Dawn, I'll see you tomorrow at 6:00 AM bright and early!" I sang, and hung up before she could protest.

I was done being sad, it was my turn to break some hearts.

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