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"What the fuck." I groaned, as the familiar buzzing of my phone dragged me out from my death like sleep.

Now was not the time to wake me up. My body still ached from the last gym session Becky had put Dawn and I through, and I was in no hurry to get up.

"Goddamnit!" I snapped as my phone began to buzz yet again.

I snatched it from beneath my pillow and silenced it for a second time. If there was one thing I needed in this world it was my beauty sleep and anyone who interrupted it was immediately on my shit list.

I nearly tossed my phone at the wall as it began buzzing a third time.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I snapped, finally answering the call.

"Well good morning to you too Casey." Becky grumbled on the other end of the line.

"Is there any particular reason you feel the need to disturb my sleep after destroying my body yesterday or..?" I growled impatiently.

"Well, you agreed to be at our place at 10:00 while we ran coco to the vet remember?" Becky whined into the phone.

Shit, I must have overslept. I glanced at my phone screen, checking the time. It was 9:45, meaning I had to get my ass in gear.

"Sorry Becks I must've over slept again. I have that deadline that Perry's been pestering me about and pulled another late nighter." I explained as I pulled my aching muscles out of bed.

"No worries girly. Just get over here when you can. Our landlord should be over at like 10:30 so there's no need to rush just yet." She assured me.

"Alright, I'm getting dressed now so I should be there by no later than 10:15."

"Sounds good, we'll be gone by the time you get here so I'll leave the key under the doormat. See when we get back!" Becky sang, before ending the call.

I groaned, as my body screamed with every step I took. Despite keeping with my diligent workout routine over this past six months, Becky always managed to make my body feel like rubber whenever she came with Dawn and I to the gym. It made sense seeing as she was a classically trained ballerina, but where she hid all that strength in those slim muscles, I'd never know.

Standing in front of my full length mirror in a sports bra and sweatpants, I took a moment to admire the definition and muscle tone my body had taken on. I'd always had a slender build and thanks to good genetics, a fast metabolism that allowed me to eat pretty much whatever I wanted.

It never really dawned on me to work out when I was with Thomas, seeing as he'd always appreciated my body. It wasn't until I found him balls deep in some Yoga instructor that I realized, mine wasn't the only body he'd been appreciating. Now, six months later, the revenge body I'd been working so hard for was finally coming to fruition, and I was just about ready to take it for a test run.

Grabbing an old t-shirt from the closet, I tugged it on and threw my dirty blond hair up into a loose ponytail. My dark brown eyes shone brightly back at me in the mirror as I gave myself one final once over. I looked... good enough. Not that it mattered. The only people I would be seeing besides my friends was their landlord, who was probably some sixty-something year old man with a combover. I had nothing to worry about.

I checked the time on my phone once again. It was 9:55, meaning I was already running late. Quickly I snatched my backpack and keys up off the kitchen table and headed out the door.
I checked the time on my phone once again. It was 9:55, meaning I was already running late. Quickly I snatched my bag and keys up off the kitchen table and headed out the door.

I made it over to Becky and Dawn's in less than ten minutes, and promptly set up my laptop, seeing as I had some time to work before their landlord arrived. My last book, "Lady Killer," had been a huge success, much to the surprise of literally everyone, myself included. Ever since then, Perry, my editor, had been hounding me for the latest chapters of my manuscript, which I had yet to make any real progress on.

I shifted restlessly on the green velvet couch in the living room, staring numbly at the open word document on my laptop screen. I was suffering from some serious writers block.

"Ugh, fuck this." I groaned, forcefully closing the computer and tossing it across the couch.

Now was as good a time as any for a beverage break so I wondered over to the kitchen. I knew Dawn kept a some La Croix stashed away for guests. After a few minuets of searching, I managed to locate a box of it hidden beneath the sink and grabbed one. I flipped the tab, relishing the pop and sizzle coming from the freshly opened can of soda.

I was already on my way back to the living room, fully intending to stare at my computer screen until words magically appeared on the page, when i heard a knock on the front door.

"Hello?" A deep, male voice called out, hesitantly.

"Just a second!" I yelled, setting the can down on the coffee table as I hurried over. This had to be Dawn and Becky's landlord. As I yanked the door open, whatever greeting I was about to extend died in my throat.

"Oh! Um... Hey, I'm the landlord. Dawn and Becky had called about an issue with the pipes in the basement?" Said the gorgeous man now standing in front of me.

I shook my head, trying to organize my thoughts into something coherent. I could feel a familiar heat making its way throughout my body as it dawned on me how I must've looked in my ratty old t-shirt and oversized sweatpants.

"Oh um... yeah..." I mumbled, as I nervously tapped my fingers together.

His messy brown hair and bright blue eyes, contrasted nicely against his lightly tanned skin and I found my gaze drifting to his luscious pink lips that grinned lazily back at me. He looked to be at least a foot taller than me, which meant I'd be standing on my tippiest of toes to reach them.

"It's just downstairs." I said, gesturing behind me as I opened the door further to let him pass by.

"Thanks ummm-"

"Casey. Becky and Dawn's friend. I'm not some stranger or anything I swear." I explained hastily as my cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red.

The man chuckled, clearly amused by my embarrassment.

"Well, Casey it's nice to meet you. I'm Lachlan, but you can call me Lach for short."

I nodded, "Cool, um... nice to meet you Lach."

"Likewise. So do you mind showing me what Becky and Dawn were talking about?"

"Yeah, sure..." I said trying to sounds casual as I
began leading him towards the basement.

Becky and Dawn were so going to pay for this...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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