Broken Shadows | 1

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English is my second language so apologies for any mistakes. Please point them out if you find any and I will correct them.

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Soft sniffles echoed in his grey vehicle. The car was locked and the air conditioner was on but even so the only noticeable thing about the car was the small brunette sitting in the drivers seat with his knees to his chest. His normally neat and delicate hair was now scrunched up in some areas and incredibly messy.

His trousers were ever so slightly ripped around the hips and his waist was burning from the touch of him. 'Fuck...' He softly whispered to himself over and over again trying to forget the guy who put him in this position. The guy who... wh-who... Never mind, the thought of that despicable, filthy man made him wheeze on air as he tried not to puke.

His eyes were flooding with salty, hot tears as they ran down his bruised cheeks. He couldn't see or well more specifically understand exactly the place he was in. His vision was blurry due to the never ending tears pouring down his face. Hell, he didn't even know how he got here.. Or uh to the exact parking lot. Before that he remembers everything way more clearly than he wants to.

His throat was shaking and he no longer could even mutter a word. Everything was stuck in his throat and he couldn't verbally say anything. His brain was still very numb and his entire body felt violated and dirty. He felt disgusting even though he in no way could've stopped him... He shut his eyes tightly trying to not think about the man who had brought all of these disturbing thoughts into his normally delicate mind.

He never really had that many struggles. His parents were nice, his friends were absolutely amazing, his family's financial state was well and he never really had any sort of physical or mental illness. He knew that he was lucky and he was extremely grateful for his peaceful life. That's part of the reason his friends adored him. He didn't have any major issues and he learned to be grateful and humble about it. He never flexed anything and he was always incredibly understanding of his friends problems.

Well, his life was peaceful until now.. His body shivered against the air conditioner blowing icy cold air into the car but he made no attempts of turning it off. He barely had any energy to breathe. The brunette sighed and focused on his breathing trying to calm down even though he was well aware that being fine and calm was almost impossible at the moment.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

He repeated the process until he had the slight energy of being able to move his now numb arm due to the air conditioner showering with freezing air. His slim arm moved towards the passenger seat on the opposite side of the car or well right next to him. He grabbed his phone with a weak grip and brought it near his sniffling, sobbing face.

His sight was still incredibly blurry and he couldn't make out the numbers on the phone as he tried to recollect his password with his fuzzy head. His cold fingers tapped the digits before the phone opened and he immediately went to the call app. He squinted his puffy eyes trying to make out the names on his call list. Corpse, Rae, Leslie, Miyoung... And a few others which his brain was too exhausted to even attempt to read.

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