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Finals week

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Finals week.. The day no one was mentally and physically ready for. And neither was Eun Ae. Even tho she had been studying so hard she still wasn't confident enough and didn't trust herself when it came to exams, knowing her future depended on it

The last thing she needed for her last study day was distractions. She turned off her phone and deleted all social media that sucked her brain. Eun Ae was so serious about this

It was 6am.. She got out of bed and dragged herself to the kitchen. Even though the weather was getting warmer, the morning breeze was still there, considering the fact that it was 6am

After being in the kitchen for less than a minute she realized she couldn't handle the cold and ran to her room to throw a hoodie over her graphic tee

After preparing everything, she took her cup of coffee, sat down and opened her laptop. Seeing all the things she had to study for today she already felt like giving up. The only thing that kept her going was her dreams and plans for the future. Maybe she was just romanticizing uni, but at least it made her work hard


She took her backpack which contained a lunchbox, wallet, books and her laptop that had many animals stickers on it. She had to stay motivated and dehydrated that's why she took her stanley water bottle and left the house, locking the door with her keys. Before walking to the bus station she took a deep breath, telling herself that she was gonna make it


When Eun Ae arrived to school she quickly ran to her friend's locker

"Minji !! What's your first exam on?"

"Biology, girl i don't think I can do this"

"Minji you're literally the smartest girl I know what do you mean you can't do this?"

After discussing everything about the exams, both of them left as Eun Ae had math exam first and she couldn't be late for that

She was so nervous the whole time, thinking this was it and she wouldn't pass. She underestimated her knowledge, Eun Ae was literally the top student of their math class


After the exam ended which was 1.5 hours, the first thing she did was message her best friends but when she took her phone out of her locker, someone smashed the locker next to her. Eun Ae flinched and when she turned to her right to see who it was, it was none other than Lee Heeseung

"do you have beef with your locker?"

"no I just have been with you and it's fun to mess with you"

Eun Ae rolled her eyes and ignored him but he didn't want to leave

"..So, did you get home safe yesterday? I couldn't help but think about you all night" He laughed as he said that but Eun Ae still ignored him because she was reading the messages her friends sent her

"alright so if you're gonna ignore me I guess i should leave"

Good decision.

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