||part 27||

301 10 9

!Chul Jin is not a real person it is someone random I made up so please don't fuss about it!
!caution this contains!
Swear words, mention of kidnapping, mention of food, etc idk what else just watch out!

Chul Jin:

'Alright I'm going to need everyone's attention!"
He yelled walking into a room with quite a few people

"boss just called and he wants a us to guard his house from these fuckers"
he said walking to the front and showing everyone a picture

"their names are ****** and ****** if you see them do not let them in do not let them on the property do not let them come anywhere close to the house"
he yelled looking around at everyone

"we know the layout of the house so I want atleast one person at every possible way they could get in , we'll have switch arounds so you guys will be getting paid and will get proper rest, got it?"
He said still looking around

"yes sir!"
Everyone replied immediately walking out to grab some gear before making their way to the cars.

They all got to the house, parking somewhat far enough so no one can see the cars. Chul Jin sets everyone off and pulls out his phone to text his boss about the arrival.

We've all arrived sir
and we're taking our places now

Now I want you guys to be as hidden as possible
I want no one to know you guys are there apart from me

Yes boss
Read at 5:35 pm


Present time

"Lunch is ready!"
Minho yelled from the kitchen

Everyone came scrambling to the dining room, despite it only being the 4 of them. They all made it to the dining table lunching being silent for the first time ever until changbin spoke up.

"Soo what were you guys doing that made Felix drag me away?"
Changbin asked raising an eyebrow at the two of them

"Uhm n-nothing"
Jisung choked out

"You sure? Because Lix was sacrificing a lot for the sake of me not seeing"
Changbin said a smirk slowly growing on his face

Felix coughs out the bite he just ate from what changbin said slightly blushing.

"is it that bad? This isn't normal Minho atleast speak up"
Changbin said turning his attention to the boy in front of him

" yk I would tell you..but would you look at that lunch break is over back to work"
Minho said looking at his watch walking away from the table with his plate leaving two giggling kids and one speechless

Minho made his way to the dance room checking a few things before heading to the studio room to check if the new song is done. The others have already arrived and took their spots. After getting the information he needed the boy walked back to the dance room.

"Oi new songs done come focus"
Minho said walking to turn on the speaking

The two walked over to Minho and waited for him to play the song.

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