A sad soccer practice

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Alejandro's POV:
I had just realized that I had forgotten that I have Tyler's phone number. He had gave it to me if we wanted to hangout on the weekends. I started searching through my bag for the note with the number on it. I grabbed it and quickly started putting it into my phone.
Alejandro: hello ty
Tyler: who is this? :/
Alejandro: it's Al the "new kid"
Tyler: ooooh hi Al :)
Alejandro: hello amor
Tyler: what dus that mean?
Tyler: does it mean smh bad? :c
Alejandro: no, no, it means something really good
Tyler: well what it mean?
Alejandro: uh it means "friend"
Tyler: oh okay I have to go now for soccer practice but I'll text u aftr
Alejandro: okay bye
(a few minutes later)
Alejandro: ty?
(an hour later)
Alejandro: helloo
"Tyler❤️"has notifications off
Tyler's POV:
I put my phone and my bag on the bench I put my water bottle next to it then I ran to the locker room. I got out my white track shorts with red stripes and of course my significant red headband with a hint of white on it. I didn't like the locker room much. Some boys liked the locker room and some boys didn't (if you know what I meaning here) I ran out to the field and was the first one there I got bored cause people were taking forever so I decided to do a handstand and some cartwheels around the field. (Tyler got better at doing it after tdi but he's still clumsy) I scraped my knee a lot trying to do but I started getting the hang of it. I started just practicing the tricks we usually do because all the boys finally came out the locker room. After about 3 hours it was time to go home all the boys crowded around each other talking about a party? I didn't remember getting invited until I saw one of the best sport boys handing out invites. I decided just not to go if no one was gonna invite to me so I quietly crept by a bit sadly. I had to walk home I had completely forgotten I started to walk along the road a few minutes later it started to poor I grabbed my bag and put it over my head as I walked just look at my feet while walking down the road. Ugh why was my house so freaking far away! I was shivering until I heard a familiar voice "alejandro?" I said out loud. I saw him running to me with an umbrella he must have seen me walking. "cariño, ¿qué haces bajo la lluvia!" He said (translation: baby what are you doing in the rain?)I didn't understand it all I remember is him hurrying me inside I guess he was home alone? He picked me up bridal style and put me onto his bed I think. "Cariño! What were you doing in that rain? Do you want to get sick!" He said hugging me I just layed in his arms almost falling asleep. "My dad doesn't pick me up or drive me so I have to walk to places so I usually walk home.." I said falling asleep.

Alejandro's POV:
I think Tyler just fell asleep I had lied him on top of me on my chest. He was freezing cold and shaking/shivering a bit. He hair was drenched and he was in his soccer clothes I decided I would change him I put him on the bed and grabbed some warm Pjs. I took off his shirt and pants (don't worry he kept the boxers on) and put on him some silk pjs. I put him under the duvet covers and shit I forgot there is only 1 bed in my house I'll just let him sleep with me for now. I took off my shirt and pants and left my boxers and white tshirt on I got back into bed and he he hugged me still sleeping I held his waist and just decided to sleep like that for the night.
I'm so happy I'm gonna start posting on school morning (where I have enough time) 😴😪

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