006. day fourteen / day twenty-one

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— day fourteen

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— day fourteen

Crowley gasped for air, struggling to see in the darkness around him. He finally woke up. I am dead. I am finally dead, he thought, despite still feeling his whole body and senses tingling. He felt dizzy, abandoned in an infinite nothing. The demon tried to remember his last conscious moments, but all he could picture was the streets of Soho and then an unexpected sharp pain to his head, then emptiness.

Crowley's eyes widened, blinded by green lights which reminded him of Hell - the first thing he could see after he lost consciousness for who knows how long. Slowly, the surroundings began to be more vivid, and he realized he was really in Hell. His body had been tied to a chair by the legs and wrists, and around him there were Hastur and Furfur, bending over and staring at him with their demonic eyes like a fresh hunted prey. Behind the two monsters, all the low rank demons were laughing and glancing with malice. Crowley realized he had been kidnapped.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" he screamed, "You promised to leave me the fuck alone!"

The crowd of demons started laughing and screeching even louder.

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